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Member Since 12 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2007 07:14 AM

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In Topic: BETA 4.5 - Fan Spam! ;)

12 November 2007 - 06:57 AM


Awesome work with the mod guys. It looks radical! I only recently bought the game off of ebay because my friend showed it to me, and I totally had to get it for myself. Sadly though, I found out my computer doesn't have the specs to run the game. So what did I do next? I bought some upgrades. Still trying to get the necessary stuff to play the game though. But I did get to play for a while on my friend's comp.

A little more on topic about your mod: I checked out the screen shots and they look really cool! Gets me all hyped up about playing it eventually. This is the largest mod project I have ever seen, and probably the most successful. It's really amazing. :grin: