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Witch King

Member Since 16 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active May 07 2012 06:48 PM

Topics I've Started

Nazgul intro skins?

15 April 2012 - 02:07 AM

In the main intro of bfme 2 the nagul appear with these skins


Is there any way to replace the excisting ones, with those in the pic??

Adding WizardTowerLightning to Saruman

06 April 2012 - 02:16 PM

I have added the WizardTowerLightning to Saruman to work at level 10.

Here is what happens,
Problem 1--- Until he reaches lvl10 there is no image button on the palantir(I have removed the toggle stance so it fits). When he reaches lvl10, suddenly the image button appears. How can I make it to appear from the start in the palantir?

Problem 2---(being lvl10) When I click on saruman, appears the button image of the thunderbolt on him(in fact it covers him), the one that appears at the fortress when you research the wizard tower upgrade. So he looks like a moving button image.

Problem 3---(being lvl10) When I click on the power to cast it, even though the ''circle'' that triggers the lightning appears, it is red(can't be casted, like its radius forbids it)

Here are the codes


//	  Thunderstorm
Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_SarumanThunderstorm
		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanThunderstorm
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_SarumanThunderstorm

Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_SarumanThunderstormStarter
		SpecialPowerTemplate			= SpecialAbilitySarumanThunderstorm
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack		= Yes
		StartsPaused					= Yes
		InitiateSound						   = WizardTowerLightningStrikeRumbleMS

Behavior = ArrowStormUpdate ModuleTag_ShootLightningBolts
				SpecialPowerTemplate	= SpecialAbilitySarumanThunderstorm
				UnpackingVariation			  = 1
				CanShootEmptyGround			 = Yes
				UnpackTime			  = 2500  ;// Pull out arrow
				PreparationTime		 = 1			 ;// Quick shot
				PersistentPrepTime	  = 500   ;// looping the quick shot
				PackTime				= 1500  ;// back to idle
				FreezeAfterTriggerDuration	  = 2500

				ApproachRequiresLOS	 = No	;// required so that it doesn't shoot through walls
				AwardXPForTriggering	= 0

				;//Specific to ArrowStorm
				WeaponTemplate  = SarumanThunderstorm
				ShotsPerTarget  = 1
				ShotsPerBurst   = 1
				MaxShots		= ISENGARD_WIZARDSTOWER_LIGHTNING_NUMSHOTS  ;// will double up if run out of targets


CommandButton Command_SarumanThunderstorm
  Command				 = SPECIAL_POWER
  SpecialPower			= SpecialAbilitySarumanThunderstorm
  TextLabel			   = CONTROLBAR:WizardsTowerLightningStrike
  ButtonImage			 = HSSarumanThunderbolt
  RadiusCursorType		= ThunderBoltRadiusCursor
  ButtonBorderType		= ACTION
  DescriptLabel		   = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipWizardsTowerLightningStrike
  CursorName			  = AttackObj
  InvalidCursorName	   =	GenericInvalid
  AutoAbility			  = Yes
  InPalantir			  = Yes
  Radial				  = Yes


CommandSet SarumanCommandSet
	1	= Command_SpecialAbilityIsengardWizardBlast
	2	= Command_SarumanFireball
	3	= Command_SpecialAbilitySpeechCraft ; ;
	4	= Command_SpecialAbilityDominateEnemy ; ;
	5	= Command_SarumanThunderBolt
	6	= Command_SarumanThunderstorm	
	12	= Command_CaptureBuilding
	13	= Command_AttackMove
	14	= Command_Stop


Upgrade Upgrade_SarumanThunderstorm
  Type			  = OBJECT

SpecialPower SpecialAbilitySarumanThunderstorm
	    Enum							  = SPECIAL_ARROW_STORM
	    ReloadTime					  = 100000; in milliseconds
	    RadiusCursorRadius	  = 120.0
	    InitiateSound						   = WizardTowerLightningStrikeRumbleMS

I hope I didn't forgot any code. I know I made a bit of a mess, please don't be harsh on me :wink_new:

Adding ElvenWarriorHorde

05 April 2012 - 09:31 PM

I try to add the elvan warriors from the inn (when you play MotW) to the elven faction(greenpasture).

When I build a green pasture, the elven wariiors are available from level 1, but I want them to be available from level 3

Here are the codes


CommandButton Command_ConstructRohanElvenWarriorHorde
	Command				= UNIT_BUILD
	Object				= RohanElvenWarriorHorde
	  NeededUpgrade		   = Upgrade_ElvenGreenPastureLevel3
	  NeededUpgradeAny		= Yes
	TextLabel			= CONTROLBAR:ConstructSindarWarriorHorde ; ;CONTROLBAR:ConstructElvenWarriorHorde
	ButtonImage			= BEElvenBarracks_LorienWarrior ;bt
	ButtonBorderType		= BUILD
	DescriptLabel			= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipBuildSindarWarriorHorde ; ;CONTROLBAR:ToolTipBuildElvenWarriorHorde
	Radial				= Yes
	InPalantir			   = Yes
	IsClickable			= Yes
; ;	NeededUpgrade		= Upgrade_StructureLevel2
	ShowProductionCount	= Yes	  


CommandSet ElvenGreenPastureCommandSet
  1 = Command_ConstructElvenRivendellLancers
  2 = Command_ConstructRohanElvenWarriorHorde
  3 = Command_ConstructElvenGreenPastureLevel2
  6 = Command_Sell

CommandSet ElvenGreenPastureCommandSetLevel2
  1 = Command_ConstructElvenRivendellLancers
  2 = Command_ConstructRohanElvenWarriorHorde
  3 = Command_ConstructElvenGreenPastureLevel3
  6 = Command_Sell

CommandSet ElvenGreenPastureCommandSetLevel3
  1 = Command_ConstructElvenRivendellLancers
  2 = Command_ConstructRohanElvenWarriorHorde
  6 = Command_Sell

What I am doing wrong? Any ideas? I m begginer and don't know much about coding