The avatar is one of the album covers used by the electronic artist Renard Queenston, utilizing a 'foxcoon' (Fox and Raccoon, respectively) persona which can be found on multiple works of his; he hosts a website named LapFox Trax. I probably have reason to doubt this being your preferred style of music, so here's a link to a larger version of my avatar. Before you start shouting 'furry', I shall move on to rating Copaman's apparatus.
6/10 - The design of I believe a Griffin's head is good enough, but if only I knew what SAAB meant...
8/10 - Simplistic and organized. Although I must say, it does look a bit sparse.
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Member Since 15 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Oct 19 2022 12:45 AM
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- Member Title Rampant AI
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday October 1, 1995
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The Undead
Creative Endeavors, Worldbuilding, Games, Music, World of Tonks
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- Additional Nicknames Ickus, Durandel, Duri, Spectre, Spec
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In Topic: Rate The Above Avatar And Signature
02 April 2011 - 02:34 PM
In Topic: Rate The Above Avatar And Signature
02 April 2011 - 01:53 AM
Avatar - 8/10 : I like it, but sadly it looks a bit low-quality. It might be because it's patchwork, but it seems pixelated.
Signature - 8/10 : Love the center, and the design. Only thing I can count off for is the strange, unnecessary header and footer; makes it look like a sort of fancy widescreen.
Signature - 8/10 : Love the center, and the design. Only thing I can count off for is the strange, unnecessary header and footer; makes it look like a sort of fancy widescreen.
In Topic: Just Because This is the Internet...
02 April 2011 - 01:42 AM
This must be distributed throughout the world to young teenagers. Think of how it could benefit us all.
In Topic: Revora Bar & Grill
02 April 2011 - 01:32 AM
Dem Trolls, they're everywhere! Also, I thought Boxxy was the Queen/Goddess of the Trolls. What does this make the normal trolls?
In Topic: How much porn is too much?
01 April 2011 - 01:37 AM
Sorry for the bump post, but Revora seems a bit slow according to the last 30 minutes of peeking around this ole' forum; and this piqued my interest.
Either it's because I'm 15 and have not had near as much time on the internet as some of the older members, or my lack of requirement for much porn at all, but I have maybe... 2.5 Mb of Gay Furry Porn. Just checked - 2.46 MB. A little while ago I cleaned out some of the content that no longer attracted me (Hetero erotic, mostly), so I've probably had at most ~5 MB.
That is to say, there is also this thing called the Internet, which provided you know a thing or two, can wipe clean any history of naughty photos in seconds.
Either it's because I'm 15 and have not had near as much time on the internet as some of the older members, or my lack of requirement for much porn at all, but I have maybe... 2.5 Mb of Gay Furry Porn. Just checked - 2.46 MB. A little while ago I cleaned out some of the content that no longer attracted me (Hetero erotic, mostly), so I've probably had at most ~5 MB.
That is to say, there is also this thing called the Internet, which provided you know a thing or two, can wipe clean any history of naughty photos in seconds.
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