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Dane Kiet

Member Since 15 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2010 02:51 AM

Topics I've Started

Torpedo suggestions

08 July 2008 - 01:59 PM

Hey, I am back on these forums now, and I have an idea for making torpedoes anti-fighter weapons as well as anti capitals, without the player wasting them all on the first pass against a fighter screen. Use the weapon switch ability found on the T4B tank. One can target capitals, the other fighters.

PS: If this is already suggested, I am sorry. But I don't want to read 3 pages of topics to catch up.....

2 vs 2 Tournament

06 February 2008 - 12:33 AM

ike the other tournament, it will be set when it is most convient for all players involved. Unlike the other tournament, you also need to pick a partner (and I suggest train with him/her). So, again post your gamer tag and time zone, BUT also post who you will be partners with, thier gamer tag, and thier time zone. Note: you need to let them know about it first, in fact, both of you need to post to confirm.
Gamer Tag: Gen.Dane_Kiet
Time Zone: GMT -5
Partner: BillyBob (not real)
Gamer Tag: BillyBob62
(so I am available, PM me if you want to join me)
You will need the standard version of the mod, so if you have made changes, use the original copy you have or you must download it again.
Matches will be posted below:

1 vs 1 Tournament

06 February 2008 - 12:25 AM

Here you will post wether you want to be in the tournament for 1 vs 1 Preliminaries. It will be held when it can be arranged properly. Post your gamer tag and your time zone if you're interested.
Gamer Tag: Gen.Dane_Kiet
Time zone: GMT - 5

You will need the standard version of the mod, so if you have made changes, use the original copy you have or you must download it again.

I will post the matches below, though the time and date will be set up when it is most convient for the players in the matches.

Dane Kiet: Gen.Dane_Kiet (GMT -5)vs
Chefbrain: chefbrian101 (Gmt -8)vs

The best of the best

02 February 2008 - 05:48 AM

Maybe we can organize a Tournament for those who are interested..... not only would it test the balance issues, but it would be a load of fun to!

My AI BROKE at some point

01 February 2008 - 10:17 PM

ok, after installing some of th fixes I didn't have, my AI broke....... The hunt one (never bothered to fix it before) and the conquer planet spam. But, the PIRATE AI seems to be broken as well.... I was playing core worlds, tech lvl 1 on hard.
(Later that day) well, I used a my original copy (my backup) and downloaded Zarkis's MEGA FIX / restirctions, and they AI works......... but what I went through should be noted to other players. I believe i installed them wrong, so MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN DOING SO!!!!!
PS: plz close, but don't delete the topic PR, my mistake should serve as a lesson to others.