This is my idea. I'm going to use Rohan as a basis for my example.
Some factions (namely Rohan and Gondor) have a ridiculous amount of heroes. Names like Damrod, Erkenbrand, and Elfhelm. Names that you generally don't hear in the movies but are just too awesome to pass over. So this is where the Captain system comes in. Trained at a special building, captains are trained. They are like heroes, although slightly weaker. Each has a leadership bonus, either all-around or to a specific group of units, and possibly some other powers. For example, while the heroes for Rohan are:
Theodred (possibly)
The captains could be:
So give me some feedback, and tell me what you think of this idea.
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Sir Takamahri
Member Since 16 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Sep 30 2010 11:31 PM
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Topics I've Started
The Captain System
21 August 2010 - 01:46 AM
23 October 2009 - 08:35 PM
I think Theodred should be in the to-be Rohan faction... or at least MotW if it doesn't split. After all, he's seen in the movies (on his deathbed, I know) and was alive in the war of the ring, until he was mortally wounded at the Fords of Isen. Actually, if you think about it, he died only the night before Gadalf & co. arrived at Edoras. That's good enough, I say.
Give it some thought. Discuss.
Give it some thought. Discuss.
Crazy armored troll
07 October 2009 - 12:39 AM
Recently I found this glitch where an armored troll was going all buggy (repeating the first 0.2 seconds of the turning animation over and over) and sending gondorian troops about fifteen meters away flying! When a party of orcs came by, they got hammered too (from same distance)! Simply by twitching continuously (sp?) he was killing several battalions . Weird, eh?
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