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Member Since 18 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2008 05:02 PM

Topics I've Started


30 January 2008 - 06:19 PM

Alastor crawled through the undergrowth, his hood up and his face covered. He crawled up to a tree, slowly stood up and proceeded to climb; he got about 5 metres up when he spotted it, the wild boar he had seen earlier. He quickly pulled a javelin from his back, pulling his arm back, he poised the weapon, the point positioned right over the boars neck. Then, with a sharp movement of his arm the javelin was sent hurling through the air.
It struck the boar in its torso, not exactly what he had aimed for but still a fatal shot. The boar writhed on the ground, squealing in pain, and Alastor leapt from the tree to claim his bounty. He placed one foot on the boars neck and pulled out his javelin, before proceeding to push his foot down to the ground to break the creatures neck. With a quick crack, the boar was motionless. He pulled a cloth from his pocket and wiped the blood from his javelin, before replacing it on his back. Alastor pulled the mask down from his face, bent down and picked up the boar, then turned and proceeded to walk home.

He walked into the small gathering of make shift houses and tents he called home.
"Alastor!" came a call from behind him, Alistor turned to see his childhood friend Heiros walking towards him,
"Have you heard the news?!" said Heiros enthusiastically
"What is it, Heiros?" replied Alastor.
"The war its starting! We're gonna go fight, you wanna join us?"
"Hell yeah!" said Alastor, brandishing the boar in the air,
"Time for some real hunting, i'll go get my stuff"

((just a random bit to get into the whole war thing))


30 January 2008 - 05:36 PM

Name: Lightfoot
Age: 27
Race: Rakian
Weapons: Silenced high velocity rifle, combat blade, silenced pistol, head mounted lens divice (over his eye, ghost recon styley) metal vambraces (made of the rakian super alloy)
Specialty: a master of camouflage and silent operating, an alround good shot and physically fit soldier
History: A member of the U.R.A.T.A special ops group as a squad marksman, after being refered by his squad commander he has decided to enrol as a ghost operative.
Other: Wears the sand coloured hooded cloak of teh Rakians spec. ops. has very light tan coloured skin,


30 January 2008 - 04:55 PM

Name: Alastor 'the hidden knight'
Age: 23
Tribe: The Trivantes
Equipment: 3 javelins worn across his back, hunting knife, in a sheath on his leg, green hooded cape (robin hood styley) for camoflage, strong boots, leather greives (i think thats the right word, arm things!), green cloth to wear on bottom half of face (more camoflage)
History: Renouned through out his settlement as a master of camoflage and an excellent shot with a javelin, Alastor loves to hunt, he has fought in the wars and in the back of his mind hopes to get the rush of fighting humans again.


10 January 2008 - 05:36 PM

Name: Ariston "the dark blade"
Side: Spartan
Age: 35
Equipment: Spartan style sword, small knife
Abilities: An excelent swordsman, not to clever, follows orders very well
History: Worked as a mercenary since he was 16, after his parents were killed by a rogue delian soldier, he joined the fight to take down as many as he could.

Geoff "Silva" Robertson

18 December 2007 - 10:51 PM

Name: Geoff "Silva" Robertson
Sex: Male
Hair: dark brown, shaved
Eyes: brown
Height: 5"9'
Weight: average
Age: 24
Pre-outbreak Profession: Prison escapee, convicted for murder and armed robery
Weapons: military style 9mm pistol, with 12 rounds and a makeshift blade, made from a metal scrap.
Other Items: Shades, backpack containing: small amount of rations, small pocket radio.
Clothes: black combats, army style boots, khaki vest, and a worn knee length jacket.
Description: A white caucasian male, shaved head, pretty well built, though slimming due to lack of food. A tattoo of a Wyvern dragon on his left shoulder, with the tailwrapping around his front. He also has an obvious scar on the right of his neck.
Background: After serving 5 years in prison, Silva had had enough. After escaping due to a very elaborate plan (i'm not goin to go into it!) he has been on the run ever since. Hearing about the outbreak, he feels this is his chance to be the hero, and hopefully redeme himself.