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Prince Valiant

Member Since 21 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2008 11:07 AM

Topics I've Started


22 September 2008 - 07:41 PM

Hey RA, I have a question. What Minifactions is Erebor, Dale, and Isengard going to have??? Thanks :D

New Gondorian Soldier Model?

19 September 2008 - 09:29 PM

Hey here is something I noticed in BFME2 and the RotWK expansion something that should've been changed from the original BFME1. The current Gondorian soldier model is BFME1 quality (Taking into account all the impressive reskins :) ), but it still lacks the quality of the newer BFME2. Normaly I wouldn't bring this to anyone's attention, but I have seen some of your guys exceptional unit models, and I think that the unit could be done justice by you guys. here's some helmet designs I found

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and the general Gondorian spearman

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as you can see for yourself (despit the new reskins) the model is not quite done justice. The advantage of also a remodel of this unit, it isn't just for one particular unit. This same new model template can be used as a basis for the Swordsmen, Spearmen, Archers and Horsemen of Gondor.

Another thing that would be nice but isn't needed is a new animation for the default Gondorian. I mean for being the finest standing army in Middle Earth, the original BFME running animations do not compliment them. New running (Non-Charging) animations should make it look more like an orderly "double time", with their weapons in the air (So it could be used with spearmen as well as swordsmen).

Thanks for hearing me out :rolleyes:

A new axe for the Dwarven Gaurdian....

08 March 2008 - 04:04 PM

Hey, I'm new here :grin: . I don't expect I'll ever have the time to mod this game (I'm modding other games currently), but I have a neat idea for future BFME2 mods... Have you ever noticed how unrealistically sized the Dwarven Gaurdian's axe is??? Too big of blade, too little of handle. Well, in RotWK, I saw in the dwarven CaH's , that they added a new longer, skinnier, and much more reasonable sized axe. Could that be made the weapon for the Dwarven Gaurdian? If you've seen the concept art for the game, that is what they originally had in mind... I was wondering if someone has ever thought of adding that into their mod. Just a thought though :wink_new: ...

BTW, don't worry, you don't have to give me credit for the idea :lol: ...