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Member Since 31 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active May 16 2009 07:34 AM

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In Topic: 700,000 Bugs

08 March 2008 - 04:49 AM

Hey just a random comment:

2 mc80's is not hard to beat, unless you are plumb broke.
I wonder if you knew that building transports generates extra money?

Also the reason he attacks so often is because he only needs two to have a chance of beating your defense fleet. If you had a fleet of like 40 ISD's defending, he'd be attacking you with 60 MC80's once in a long while, rather than 2 at a time in a constant stream of attacks.

but he attacks me at like almost every planet at the same time and it is hard if he attacks at every half min with 2 i can not even build that fast ( i would almost have said : and i don't really care what you think:) (would have almost said that but then i saw this you are the one who dose the effect mod for phoenix mod so)i thank you for the help in telling me that 2mc80 are not strong :) and will the money for the Ai be change in the patch ? if not then please tell me how to do it myself !)

In Topic: 700,000 Bugs

08 March 2008 - 12:23 AM

and i think you should give the ai less money in the patch he is attacking me with 80class cruiser like 3 at a time and still has 700.000 bugs its so dumb

Report 'em if you got 'em. I'm expecting 700,000 new threads in the bug forum by tomorrow.

o sorry i meant by bugs like credits meant money sorry (lol sorry if you had understand me wrong with the 700,000 bugs(sorry again please don't shoot me no ! lol lol) the mod is great by the way best mod yet )but like i sayed would be nice if you turn down the money for the ai he is like attacking me every half min and that with at least 2 80class cruiser (in one attack!!)

In Topic: 2 vs 2 Tournament

05 March 2008 - 04:33 AM

i don't get it no one wants to play no wan here and no one in the 1vs1 one :rolleyes: thats sad
i want to play
gamer tag:don't have one jet but will get one when we stard
partner :don't know dane kiet are you still free ?

In Topic: What's Next

26 February 2008 - 09:44 PM

i m sure some one already say this but you should if possible fixed the mini map and the planets would be better if they would be in control of empire or rebellion from beginning because i hate going to every planed to take it

every time i play the mod i don't have the ai i dl it again 2 times now and still happening i played it before and it worked but now i don't have any ai any more .
the only differents from now and when it worked is that i reinstall the game once but it still should work help pleas.

Did you reinstall the FoC 1.1 patch when you reinstalled your game ?... thats the main reason the ai stops working.

thank you i was missing the patch lol thank you again .

In Topic: REL - Zarkis AI for PR BETA

25 February 2008 - 01:51 AM

i install the mod but now the ai is doing nothing i mean like really nothing is not building not moving .
help please