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Member Since 09 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2011 05:07 AM

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In Topic: Benchmarking Discussion

11 January 2009 - 09:22 AM

And that utility lists a faster speed now for the FSB?

Strangely enough, no, it doesn't. It still shows 533 FSB & 133 Bus Speed (I'm guessing that means my PCI bus speed....just a guess, though). I guess on my system it's just detecting my max, and not my actual.

In Topic: Benchmarking Discussion

11 January 2009 - 03:29 AM

So, I finally got everything back up and running...it was a minor nightmare, as XP didn't like me taking out the 256Mb sticks, or more approprately, it didn't like the 1Gb sticks. I had to re-install windows...several times :(

Anyway, I got a faster load time on the core worlds by 14 seconds, it's now 2:48, and a slightly better frame rate on the intro movie...by eyeball it's about a 5 fps improvement. No improvement in GC, though :(

In Topic: Benchmarking Discussion

09 January 2009 - 02:17 AM

Hmm, yes, that makes sense. You'd probably do better with only 200 MHz RAM in there even. It's slowing down because it has to find a common interval for both speeds to run at: 400 MHz (DDR stands for double data rate) / 133 MHz = 4 and 667 MHz / 133 MHz = 5.

Hrmm. That's...interesting. If I ever knew that, I had forgotten it. It sounds like you're saying (correct me if I'm wrong here) that I SHOULD see a performance increase if I go to just one speed instead of the two different ones. In my case, taking out the slower 2 sticks, which also happen to be the small ones, while leaving me only 2GB of RAM vice 2.5, should actually increase my performance. It's worth a shot! Especially since that speed difference will be slowing down EVERYTHING on my system, not just PR.

I'll probably try it tomorrow, so be sure to say something before then if it's not something I should try :p

Thanks a lot!

In Topic: Benchmarking Discussion

09 January 2009 - 12:03 AM

Ummmm...that was the rated FSB speed (I looked up my comp on hp to double check)...my current actual speed is a snail like 133.3...probably because of the slow as heck RAM I've got in there...two sticks @200 MHz and 2 sticks @333MHz. Think I can forget most of PR until I can afford to upgrade...except skirmish...skirmish ROCKS!!!

In Topic: Benchmarking Discussion

08 January 2009 - 04:12 PM

Try CPU-Z, and google or post the chipset it lists.

Thanks for the link! It tells me I've got 1Mb L2 cache, but only 533MHz FSB...I'm guessing that's why I'm running so much slower :p