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Member Since 11 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 03 2009 08:24 AM

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In Topic: Official Benchmarking Thread

27 June 2009 - 08:22 AM

I havent played this mod for a while, and when i first tryed it i thought it wasnt working as it took so long to load. I should have read this thread first anyway heres my results.

This is with everything maxed out including AA, vsync is also on.

* CPU - phenom 2 940 @ 3.6ghz
* Mobo. - Asus M3N78 @ 200 fsb
* GPU - GTX 285 OCX
* RAM - 4Gb DDR 1066
* OS - Vista 64
* Res. - 1920 x 1200

1. Menu load time 32 seconds
2. Core Worlds load time 1 min 3 seconds
3. Core Worlds frame rate 9-11
4. Menu battle frame rate 30-60

1. Load time rating - 3
2. Tactical mode rating - 5
3. Galactic mode rating - 3

Hmm my in game fps does seem a little low tho. I just checked the auto detect and i dont think it works as it did 1280 x 1024 which is a joke for my card.