I(China) , : p (Russia) and >3(Russia) play the capture mode on toxicity with 1 mental AI and 4 normal AI.
We both used the win7 PC.We are lived in the same area in HK.
: p and I(host) can see others' start and team.
>3 also can see our start but can't see :p's team.
The one can't see our team,saw one of our start was at start 6,but we had chosen the start at 1,2 and 3 respectively.
When we were in the game,it was fine.But after about 5-10 second,the reconnection error occur at all of us.
The pop out asked us whether to save the crash report,we had chosen 'Yes'.
Then another pop out appeared and said there is a fatal error.
When we didn't choose team,the reconnection error didn't occur.
We faced the same serial# problem before but we solved it.
The reconnection error only occur when we all in the same game.
I don't know whether the way we used to solve the problem of same serial# has it affect the game.
The 1.zip file is my debug.log , extcrashdump.dmp , SYNC.TXT and syringe.log
The 2.zip file is >3's debug.log , extcrashdump.dmp , SYNC.TXT and syringe.log
The 3.zip file is : p's debug.log , extcrashdump.dmp , SYNC.TXT and syringe.log
Both of us didn't have the except.txt or the except.log