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Tir i Helkaluin

Member Since 06 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2008 05:59 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Asset.dat beginner problems

21 May 2008 - 03:41 PM


I compiled the dat, read your article, and realised that it's pretty late now here at Hong Kong.

So, until tomorrow.

Thanks in advance. Now I have one more reason not to model, the whole thing is too crazy for me. ^^"

In Topic: Asset.dat beginner problems

21 May 2008 - 03:14 PM

I see, but is a minutes-long hang normal for the process after I've dragged in the art folder? Coz it's happening now.

I'd reckon simple referencing doesn't need so much time?

In Topic: Asset.dat beginner problems

21 May 2008 - 02:36 PM

So I just put the new model W3Ds with the 'art\w3d\' path and run the AssetBuilder?

Edit: Coz I've noticed some freaky error messages in the asseterrors.log file.

In Topic: Spell problem

06 May 2008 - 02:03 PM

Perhaps because you're still referencing LindirAmior rather than BruchtalLindirAmior in the SpecialPowerModule?

In Topic: Spell problem

06 May 2008 - 12:49 PM

To clear things up: the ObjectFilter in the SpecialPower determines the viable targets (regardless of whether the weapon really damages it), whilst the RadiusDamageAffects in the weapon as a whole and separate DamageScaler in DamageNuggets and SpecialObjectFilter in MetaImpactNuggets and AttributeModifieruggets determine who would be affected by the weapon.

So, by commenting-out the ObjectFilter, you can target the trolls. And by putting the RadiusDamageAffects be 'ENEMIES NEUTRALS', the weapon affects both enemy and neutral units.