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Albert de Hun

Member Since 06 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2009 04:04 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Contra Problems

15 November 2008 - 03:52 PM

Zero hour path is D:\Games\Generals Zero Hour and mod the unzip D:\Games\Generals Zero Hour\Contra006

:-? that means that you installed contra in its own folder but in the Zero Hour folder
Try installing it this way D:\Games\Contra006
I have no problem that way!

In Topic: Contra Problems

15 November 2008 - 03:49 PM

Zero hour path is D:\Games\Generals Zero Hour and mod the unzip D:\Games\Generals Zero Hour\Contra006

:-? that means that you installed contra in its own folder but in the Zero Hour folder
Try installing it this way D:\Games\Contra006
I have no problem that way!

In Topic: Conta 005.1 pleaaaaase?

23 October 2008 - 10:15 AM

Hold on a second! That GLA defense it's all that GLA has strong enough to protect them! In late game you have stronger units and the so called defenses are not so useful!
And those toxic clouds come really in handy! When i play with Toxin general and i am attacked by air i only hope to get those toxic cloud sooner to help protect myself!
In order for you to attack with air unit all you got to do is destroy the anti-air defense with land unit or other tactics!
Its fine for me!

Toxins, does the body bad! Now it brings the planes down like fly's to >:thumbsupsmiley:!

In Topic: super infantry

04 July 2008 - 01:33 AM

:grin: Wait...what? Generals are tacticians, not fighters!

Besides, all general get Burton/Lotus/Jarmen with specialized abilities.

I dont think the one who strated this tactic refered to epic infantry or hero units (like burton lotus jarman) or the generals on the battlefield! But more of a tipe of infantry with lots of fire power and abillities! I think :-??!
It whould be really funny to see an infantry tipe that will stay face to face with the Emperor Tank!
And win to ( not like jarman kell who killes pilots and stuff!) i mean destroying the tank with fire power or something :-??

In Topic: Separate Launcher

20 May 2008 - 11:24 PM

If you want to play more then one ZH mod do what I did:
Take the content fo the Zero Hour folder (upgraded ZH 1.04) and copy paste them in another folder! Name the folder after the mod to be easyer to know what mod you got there ! Like Generals ZH Contra or Generals ZH ShockWave or just shockwave :-??! make a such folder for each mod you want to install and then start installing each mod in a diferent ZH folder and you will have each mod separetly without f...king another mod ! I had about 6 mods installed like that and I had no problem!

P.S. All you need is space on you hardware! Is just an option! And you dont have to wait for some one to make to mods to be compatible!