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Member Since 08 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2013 11:59 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Orcs

17 January 2010 - 12:04 AM

I usually go by price - I think Morgul orcs are more expensive, so presumably they're better. Sorry I don't have stats...

In Topic: Gameplay Discussions

14 January 2010 - 10:40 PM

I was wondering if anyone has found a really effective way to get rid of grond... My crowning achievement in this mod was defeating 3 allied brutal Morias as the Dwarwes, but Grond is always such a pain - If I don't have catapults (which are quite expensive for Dwarves) it's very difficult to take it down. What I mean is, if you are playing against 3 allied Mordors, you have to deal with 3 Gronds...