Hey guys!
I'm Ronald 'Redemption' van Delft, a 25 year old Dutch guy, and I'm a .NET Software Engineer for a living. I've been coding since I was a kid and that's definitely my strong point, but I've dabbled in everything from level design and 3d modelling to sound editing and web design. Bit of a jack-of-all-trades.
While I've done some game creating before, this is my first collaborative game project, and besides some level design for UT1, I'm new to the Unreal engine. After I saw a post of Luke's asking for an extra hand in programming an UT mod on the BU forums, I proposed that he'd teach me some Unreal stuff in exchange for coding help. I had already read his tutorials so I reckoned he'd be a good souce of information.
While that orginal project didn't get wings, we've started on Sonic Boom and I'm eager to really get it going. In the meanwhile I'm reading up on the U3 engine and Unrealscript, and the Mutator Week will be a good place to get some practice.
If you want to catch me on MSN, just add me on dem_retaliator <at> hotmail <dot> com.
Member Since 11 Feb 2008Offline Last Active Feb 27 2008 06:19 PM