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Member Since 13 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2008 05:35 PM

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In Topic: Men of the East

12 June 2008 - 07:47 PM

hello I have some ideas that the Mumakil start with nothing: http://img211.images...ildmumakhr7.jpg and make improvements to increase armor and which could amount to haradrims: http://wire.ggl.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/mumakil [/ url] . JPG. and that an improvement in the paint to increase the attack: [url = "http://see.the3rdage...ndMumakil.jpg"] http://see.the3rdage...rondMumakil.jpg [/ URL].

And the hero of men use the power of evil assembly Mumakil level in 10
Mumakil leadership in the level 8

I do not speak English to use a translator

I leave here, in Spanish only if:

hola tengo algunas ideas que el mumakil comience sin nada y se le haga una mejora que incremente armadura y que pueda subir a los haradrims: http://wire.ggl.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/.../11/mumakil.jpg. y que una mejora de pintura que incremente el ataque: [url="http://see.the3rdage.net/images/SCREEN_GrondMumakil.jpg"]http://see.the3rdage.net/images/SCREEN_GrondMumakil.jpg.

Y que el heroe de los hombres del mal use el poder montar mumakil en level 10
liderazgo mumakil en level 8

yo no hablo ingles use un traductor

aca dejo en espaƱol por las dudas: