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Member Since 14 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2008 12:41 PM

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In Topic: MO 2.0 // Mission Discussion, Tips and Tricks

28 February 2008 - 05:42 AM

I restarted the mission and it ended as per normal. No idea why, I guess it was a bug stopping me from finishing on the first playthrough.

None of the Soviet missions are particularly hard bar 7, even on hard mode. Good micromanagment of your forces on 7 so you can get all the money crates, capture a building in the south-east base and slap down the barracks to capture the whole lot is all you have to do really. 2-3 battle bunkers and a telsa coil (and more if necessary) at each chokepoint, capture the war factory + service depot to replace the MCV you'll probably lose to starflares at the top, and make sure you have aa defenses protecting the south-east plateau nuclear reactor. The crates disappearing bug is a real bitch, because you have to do this all in one playthrough and should a terror drone infect the Centurion you're in trouble.

I suggest capturing the reactor with a emperor tank until your defenses are strong enough to stop starflares completely and keeping an enemy tesla reactor in the base as well (4 flak cannons at the nuclear reactor, four just below the war factory, four below the service depot). That way, if the starflares are going to destroy the tesla reactor you can just capture the reactor = instantly saving your Nuclear Reactor as the starflares stop firing.

My problem is now that I've 'won' mission 8 (well, I've destroyed all of yuri's forces and the mental omega after he rushed me), but the mission doesn't end + my objectives don't change after I destroy the omega device itself.

In Topic: MO 2.0 // Mission Discussion, Tips and Tricks

20 February 2008 - 04:20 PM

Ugh. Not only now can't I finish the level, everytime I click on any sort of tesla unit, or after about 10 minutes once loading the mission from my most recent saves I get an IE.

So yeah, I simply cannot finish the mission, because everytime I get out a map wide force of units it kills me with an IE. This is about as far as I get before it starts IEing, so if anyone could take this save and tell me where the last damned epsilon forces are, I would be extremley grateful. Because I've polished off all the other campaigns easily on Hard ... and now it's only IE's standing in my way. -.-;


I'm running npatch SE.

In Topic: MO 2.0 // Mission Discussion, Tips and Tricks

17 February 2008 - 05:22 AM

I must be doing something wrong then, because no matter where the centurion or any other detector goes, the map doesn't end. : /

Even the viruses at the cliffs north of the one nuke reactor + 6 tesla reactors are dead.

In Topic: MO 2.0 // Mission Discussion, Tips and Tricks

14 February 2008 - 06:11 AM

on soviet mission 7, I've scanned the map with infector tanks etc, and I still can't find anything. The problem for me is though, there's a little bit of unbuildable territory in the south-east base just below the bridge that I can't

*build on
*have any unit cross in any way (Bar air units ofc)
*and I can't seem to destroy/damage anything that is there.
* is only one cell big.

Could that have anything to do with why I can't finish the mission? Maybe a underground APC stuck in a movement loop? does capturing buildings instead of blowing them up count? because as it is I can't seem to find any more epsilon units to destroy : / (got the airbases, the plateau, I've wiped out everything and have around 50 or so infector tanks spread out to find any stragglers.)