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Master Sayo

Member Since 19 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2022 05:52 PM

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In Topic: We're on the workshop!

04 September 2017 - 05:14 PM

Hey guys
With the update(!) to Empire at War on Steam, turning multiplayer back on, fixing some bugs, and adding Steam workshop support, I worked all day yesterday getting Phoenix Rising onto the workshop. It's available for download here: http://steamcommunit...873&searchtext=
Please post in this thread if you have any troubles installing/running the workshop version, as I haven't had much chance to test it myself.


I read it too in Steam, about this awesome new stuff for the game Star Wars: Empire at war (and forces of corruption), Gold pack. :w00t: 
But I can't play it anymore, because I upgrade my pc to Windows 10. :mellow: 
Good luck, Phoenix Rising team with this mod! 



Master Sayo

I play this great game Total War: Warhammer with the faction Empire. End of this month the new game Total War: Warhammer II comes out. :smilehuh: 
From Star Wars to Total War: Warhammer, but still playing the Empire. :thumbsuphappy: