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Member Since 18 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 13 2009 08:29 PM

Topics I've Started

Boarding craft now possible!

11 September 2008 - 02:09 AM

According to sidous invader on filefront he has created boarding ships into his mod. Now he will not say how he did it but he will tell use when the mod is realsed this september (or so). When this comes out we will be able to add boarding craft to PR. This is something so many people have asked for so now it will be possible!

The Planet shippack

06 September 2008 - 07:16 PM

I am now making a new shippack for planet unique ships. I will need all the help I can get so any help would be appreciated and you get your name in a readme :mellow: Well please post your Ideas for ships. Thanks! This mod will be made to work with 1.1 when it comes out.

Unit list. (Not Complete)

Hapen Battle dragon.
Watchkeeper guard.
Moncal Ships.
N-1 starfighter
Thranta class war cruiser
Uglie X wing plus Tie. (Complete)
Uglie Y wing plus Tie.

Also now you will be able to build star destroyers as the rebels on empire shipbuilding worlds. Mon cal crusiers for the empire on Mon Calamari.

TheEmpire's Nebulon B2 shippack for PR

18 May 2008 - 12:35 AM

I have been working on adding the nebulon B2 to PR and decided to give it to the PR community. It is only buildable at the factory station so not to push out the ISD in the build bar for the empire. EDIT: Fixed the readme to add lucusarts and petro to the list of Contributers.
It is good as long as you read the install instructions.

The Nebulon B2. It is armed with canon stats and is for now for both sides. Nonupgradable for now. Buildable at the X7 Factory station for skrmish. WARNING: ONLY USE WITH DalMP Aesthetics Pack .3B FOR PR. ALWAYS INSTALL THE Dalmp pack FIRST.
Install intructions:
Make a backup before trying. Copy the files in folders into there specified folder in the Phoenix Rising Data Folder. Example: The files in the XML folder would go into the Phoenix Rising/data/Xml folder and so on. Make sure you have the Dalmp pack installed before you install this.

Future plans: Upgrades, Making the commandbar file smaller so it will fit in 4mb.

Bugs: Uses the the Nebulon frigate symbol. I could not fit the commandbar in 4mb. I will upload it seperatly at a later date.

z3rox, Re-skin of Nebulon B2, Icons of nebulon 2B

Neomarz1, Textures
Avenger, Animations (I am not sure if Death clones count as animations so just a precaution)

EvilleJedi, all Models

Frankie, Skins and model modifcation
Razielkanos, Skins and model modifcation

Pheonix Riseing, Who without we would not have the wonderfull Pheonix Rising Mod. Also all the xml files.(I used a copy of the Nebulon B xml to make the Nebulon B2.) Also the text files and all the icons exept for the nebulon 2B ones.

Dalmp, Without his pack the fireing and sound from the ship would not be anywhere near as good.

Keraunos, I would have never have gotten it working if it was not for the tips.

Hardpoint coding for the 2B only, Text entrys for the 2B only and the Nebulon 2B xml, Me, TheEmpire.

Feel free to use this in your mods. Anything that pheonix rising created ask him first unless it is a mod for pheonix rising. If you use this in any mod give credit to ME and the authors of the other material. DO NOT ADD THIS FILE TO BE DOWNLOADED ANYWHERE ELSE. THIS FILE SHOULD ONLY BE DOWNLOADABLE AT THE PHEONIX RISING FORUMS.

Modding Turtorials

16 May 2008 - 11:24 PM

I am thinking about adding two ships to PR but I have little experiance with modding. Does anyone know of any good modding turtorials?
If so thanks!

AI Driving issues

20 April 2008 - 12:19 AM

Ok I was playing on kamino and was beating a Star destroyer with a mon cal crusier. I was just about to beat it when the AI drives it off the map! I wait for it on fast forward for 10 minutes. It never came back! I cicked auto resolve and lost. This is not the only time this has happened and on other maps. It also has happened on Vannila and and most annoyingly on AotR2. Is this normal or am I the only one one that this is happening to? Also is there a way to fix this?