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Member Since 21 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2008 04:33 PM

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My own Story concept: the begin and end of Nod

21 February 2008 - 09:55 PM

I'm a newbie on this site, but a PRO gamer also :cool:.
I work on the history for Nod, i hope this is good enough for you readers. :good:
sorry for the bad english. :sad:

Begin of the History of Nod:
In the year 3979 BC, Kain murders his brother Abel. Kane was punished by God, and he was marked seven times for his crime. He escapes to the land of Nod and managed to occupy several near east kingdoms with his superior weapons. and in 1800 AD, in the middle Age,his followers founded the Brotherhood of Nod. Then they founded secretly the Black Hand in 1100 AD in Israel, after the Crusades. Then in 1930s Kane was become the Advisor of Stalin and helps him to invade Europe, but in the 1950s, (after the GDI was founded secretly and began a gurilla War against the UDSSR) the Sovietunion was weaked after Stalins death and in 1989; the Sovietunion was broken down after a civilwar. Kane escapes, and becomes the Advisor of Saddam Hussein, who was a fanatic Nod member, and invades Kuwait. Altrough GDIs corrupt secret service has managed to let failed the assination of Hussein, the GDI began a War against iraq, later known as GDIstorm. Nod HQ has reconised the defeat of Iraq and escapes to central Arabia. Then follows the Story of TD; TS and TW, yadda yadda, yadda :thumbsupsmiley:

About the GLA and Yuri
Dr. Trax was a senctist , who experiments with Tiberium based Weapons in for Nod. But after Nod occupied a GDI techcenter with some RA1 tech in 2075, and activate the only remained Time machine in a accident, just like Yuri in Westwoods version from C&C3 Incoursion. He lands in a different Dimension, which the Tiberum was never arrived the Earth, and teams up with the GLA, and conquers the World with the Gamma Antrax Missiles. Yuri did almost the same shit, albeit he founded his own Army and changes the World with his Psycho Powers. yadda yadda yadda...

C&CX the end of Nod begins:
In 2146, 200 years sinces Stalins defeat in RA1, Kanes power reaches his full potential (he absorbes the power of the Scrin and their allies, the Protoss :p ) and he gains the ability to actually travels into different dimensions. Kane travels first to the RA2 Dimension, and kills Yuri, because he was to powerful in his Opinion, with his powers, and do later the same with Yuri. But he forget the single survived Protoss/Necrid/Soviet/Scrin/Egypt/ect.ect.ect. product from the last remained Labor of the Aliens races he killed once: M. Bison!


M. Bison was pissed off from Kanes stupides :) and teleports to Kanes newly tiberiumbased Earth.
Kane was forced to fight, but his armies were quickly annihlated (albeit it was a Army of one trillion Core Defenders :) :sad2: :p) by Bison Psyco Powers...


After a long fight, Kane, altrough immortal, was owned by Bison, and M.Bison destroys the Earth with a GIANT Lazorkamehameha...


END of Nod, end of Story...