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Member Since 22 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 06 2008 12:17 AM

Topics I've Started

The Hobbits Ring

22 February 2008 - 02:40 PM

Modpack idea list:
14 total factions:

Good Forces

Evil Forces
Evil Halflings

It may sound crazy, but really, not much work required! if i can get the help of elvenfury, Rhun will already be made, plus, arnor doenst need any making. Harad, Rohan, and Gondor already have lots of units, and just need a few adds, and skin changes. As for hobbits, and Dale, i made them off of 1 unit, but all my ideas are already developed. Evil Halflings is a totally new faction. I already am chocked full of ideas

A 32 mission campain having to do with the five most popular hobbits, bilbo,frodo,sam,pippin,and merry!

This mod would be similar to the original rotwk, with new and improved units, heroes, and factions. The mod would also be semi based on tolkein's book, the hobbit. New dwarven, elven, goblin, and dale units would reflect this book.
The original isengard, mordor, goblins, angmar, dwarves, arnor, and elves are the same, or similar with added units, heroes, and buildings. Men of the west would be split into Rohan and Gondor with added units and units from the first bfme also. Arnor would be a playable version of the campain arnor with added untis, heroes, and buildings. Dale would be a totally new faction, including men of dale, brand, and much more. Harad and Rhun would be added with units from mordor's haradrim palace. All factions would have a weak fighting and repairing unit similar to lotr bfme1's peasants of rohan. Each wouldbe upgradable with cheap weapons(50). All upgrades for all factions would also come from a armoy type building (not like fire arrows from archery range, or banner carrier from barracks). Recruiting! if you would like to help, tell me! Ill be waiting :wink_new: