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Member Since 28 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2008 05:42 PM

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In Topic: How to install on a Vista PC?

29 February 2008 - 04:53 PM

OK... I'M sorry for saying that but I'm just too stupid^^ I played the mod on my XP PC and it worked perfectly...^^ But now on my Vista PC, I installed the game and tried to run the mod without a patch...

so it was my fault^^ I just forgot about the patch^^ And I got upset yesterday because it didn't work XD

But thank you nevertheless!


In Topic: How to install on a Vista PC?

28 February 2008 - 09:09 PM

i have installed the mod now, but it won't work at all... everytime when i want to start the game, it freezes and when i open my tasmanager, it says "not responding"... could it be because i have the BFME II Collector's edition??? Does the mod work with the collector's edition??? That's freakin me out...

Thenks for your replies!^^