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Member Since 09 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2009 09:34 PM

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In Topic: Ive think ive located a trail......to the cause of the lag.

25 April 2009 - 09:35 PM

I think it takes up at least a GB or 2 of RAM when I play. The older campaign versions do, anyway.

Can you check that, as well as your CPU usage when its lagging?

In Topic: Ive think ive located a trail......to the cause of the lag.

21 April 2009 - 10:54 PM

Ive noticed it before, and it helps some, but the big things I am after is how busy your CPU is when running the game, how much memory the game uses while its lagging, and the HDD info. That benchmark page gives some details about a few other things, but it may be looking at the problem from the wrong direction.

In Topic: Help

25 December 2008 - 08:52 PM

Why not merge the shortcut with the mod extension and install the mod to its own directory in the mods folder?---I don't see why that wouldn't work.

In Topic: The site is LIVE

25 December 2008 - 04:57 AM

Has anyone tried to disable rotating planets? I can't help but think that although its a simple calculation, doing it against so many planets may cause lag. 137 rotating planets, + 10 calculation refreshes (Im not exactly sure how the engine deals with the data, so I am assuming worse case scenario) a second, would be 1,370 calculations a second. Its also possible...But nah.....Or...Hmmmm, I will need to analyze that....I may have a thought/potential lead on lag created by AI hyperspace jumps......

In Topic: Release Nudged Back

23 December 2008 - 10:18 PM

Lol, we sound like excited, impatient geeks obsessed with video games waiting at the mall for the doors to be opened, giving the opportunity to own said console.

*Giggles....pauses..... and Breaks down crying......*