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Member Since 16 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2009 05:31 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Join RS! -- World may not be saved but...

17 March 2008 - 01:21 PM

I'd do some voice acting, i used to do theatre in my high school, I could manipulate my voice very well. If i had microphone i'd help, but sadly.... i am poor lol. The only other thing i'm really good at is writing and stroylines. =/
Maybe i could help out with concepts? I have a decently active mind. But this far into the mod i doubt you'd need that. o.o

In Topic: Game mode ideas for RS.

17 March 2008 - 03:07 AM

ah excellent. no more invicible ravens to worry about :rolleyes:

and considering RS's overall difficulty, Survival maps should be extremly difficult. thinking about the best survivials i've played for RA2.... they just.. lack. Too easy. just sit back and camp with your best. I'd like one that makes me pull out hair at the sight of the onslaught of units.

In Topic: Bugs List

17 March 2008 - 03:06 AM

pretty much what omega bolt said. by the time im done flicking away his latest bomber rush, i notice his 5 new nexus cores. then he sends his walkers. Or ravens. whichever way he decides to be cheap (Ravens are the gods of cheapness)

In Topic: Robot Storm official Matchmaking Thread

16 March 2008 - 07:00 AM

omg 5 months later. Me and my clan discovered this mod, and a few of us are avid lovers of it. We'd love to get some games in.

In game Nick = GenxEagle.

In Topic: Bugs List

16 March 2008 - 06:53 AM

What about the Nexus CY repair thing? Build one they autorepair. Build 2 they repair faster. the more Nexus Cy's you have the more they repair. will this be fixed? i'm tired of whtdrgnpl owning me because of his 50 CY's i failed to notice.