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Member Since 21 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2008 07:08 PM

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In Topic: THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!

21 March 2008 - 04:20 PM

Map: Gondor(5 player map)
me, as Isengard bottom left
ally as Elves bottom right Brutal
no team for the others:
Dwarfes top left Brutal
Moria top middle Hard
Man top right Hard

End game, only the dwarfes, and my ally remains,( i have 2 fortress) With wormtounge(Grima, level 10) i make the enemy hero to my side, and before the timer would left, he died at level 5(it's also a custom hero[hp stat 12]). At my fortress i watched the hero revival, and it's name was create custom hero, so i revived him.
At revival it came with the dwarf modell, and my original custom hero portrait,and with the wizard skills(my actually used custom hero was level 9[hp stat 10]).
He came with the level 9 hp (22500), equal to my custom hero, but he is level 5.
My original hero's portrait become a hermit portrait. After my original hero died, and the dwarf-wizard, have it's name, after revival both have the same name.
After it i can't reproduce with normal heroes.
p.s.:I saved it, but can't reopen it somehow.

Against an Isengard A.l. a level 10 Grima stole my custom hero, as the same method as described above, it don't appear at my revive screen.

In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!

21 March 2008 - 08:50 AM

Hi Everybody!

This mod is great, and i would like to share my ideas about it:
Namely about hobbit heroes - they are not useable too much, they doesn't need health, or damage buff, but some good powers.

What if they all have cloak, but they always invisible, except when they attack something?
It think it should be level 4-5-6 power.

Other power variations would be for Merry:
-He can hurt the nazguls, and the Witchking, when they don't attack him. (2 hit to kill, maybe a 10 second recharge time, and only, when nobody hurts him)
To compensate it, when he hit anyone of them, his health dropped to 1/3,or to half (shadow of the nazgul), and needed to use the athelas,
or the well buildings, otherwise he would slowly become a wraith.
//For later version, it can maybe tweaked for more heroes(but maybe not, because nazguls would be OP)//
Sam should have a weak athelas power (in the Fellowship O. T. R. , Athelas-Kingsfoil, he knows it somewhat)
to compensate the shadow of the nazgul.
Also he would have a very short fear effect, which only effects the orcs (RoTK-the orc Fortress, where Frodo kept).

Another variation for the hobbit heroes is, when Merry is with Eowyn(and mounted), they can combine to a pair
(more mobile, because of the horse, and can fight against more enemy)

About Pippin: when he is near Gandalf, Galdalf should increase dps (damage_per_second).
Maybe it is too direct to the film, but they need some good power.

For Frodo:
-mithril shirt, which doubles his armor.
-keen senses(for the ring bearing, he sees longer for one direction/or have a very big line of sight/or he sees the nazguls very far)

Of course it would need to place the hobbits to other factions, so maybe it's not worth it... :lol: