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Member Since 23 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2009 01:00 AM

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In Topic: fx effect

11 April 2008 - 07:52 AM

In the particle system's code where it has

EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume
		StartPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:0
		EndPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:50

change the Z on the endpoint to around 10 and try it out from there. also where it has:

		Priority = ALWAYS_RENDER
		Shader = ADDITIVE
		ParticleName = exlnzflar7.tga
		SystemLifetime = 0
		InitialDelay = 0 0
		Lifetime = 5 5
		Size = 30 30
		BurstCount = 10 20
		BurstDelay = 1 1

change the Size values to around 10 also, or how ever big you want them to be.

k thanks it worked just wondering are you ever going to finish the unit creator thing and stuff on your website?

In Topic: fx effect

07 April 2008 - 08:51 PM

i fixed it it didn't have .tga it had ParticleName = exlnzflar7 when it should of hadParticleName = exlnzflar7.tga anways now that it's working could you tell me how to shrink it lol

Posted Image

In Topic: fx effect

07 April 2008 - 05:14 AM

sorry this is the last thing i'll post today anyways the code what i just use last time works :p kinda

Posted Image

anyone know how to fix the pink red purply stuff to like what it's sopose to be it's sopose to be legolas with fire swords but that didn't work anyone know how to fix it

In Topic: fx effect

07 April 2008 - 04:12 AM

ok i started over again i haven't tested this yet but do you think this code would work i'll tell you what i did.

instead of having
;;====================== MODELS ================================================================

			Model			   = RULegolas_SKN
			Skeleton			= RULegolas_SKL
			ShadowMaxHeight		= 999
			WeaponLaunchBone	= PRIMARY ARROW
		ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY
			Model			   = RULegolas_SKN
			Skeleton			= RULegolas_SKL
			ShadowMaxHeight		= 999
			ParticleSysBone		= BAT_HEAD Slayer FollowBone:Yes

				ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
			Model			   = RULegolas_SKN
			Skeleton			= RULegolas_SKL
			ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes
			ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword1 FollowBone:yes
			ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes
			ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword1 FollowBone:yes

you have

;;====================== MODELS ================================================================

			Model			   = RULegolas_SKN
			Skeleton			= RULegolas_SKL
			ShadowMaxHeight		= 999
			WeaponLaunchBone	= PRIMARY ARROW
		ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY
			Model			   = RULegolas_SKN
			Skeleton			= RULegolas_SKL
			ShadowMaxHeight		= 999
			ParticleSysBone		= BAT_HEAD Slayer FollowBone:Yes
			ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes
			ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword FollowBone:yes

and yer i also put the code for the fire swords in the fxparticalsystem.ini

so think it would work i can't try it right now since my bro is on the game

In Topic: fx effect

07 April 2008 - 02:47 AM

i decided to start over and try it so i got a new ini what hasn't been editted and all that then i tried to give it the fire swords the same way but the way you told me so i editted it and i started the game back up then it said.

Unkown field 'MoveForNoOne' in block 'object'
error parsing field 'MoveForNoOne' in block 'Object' in file 'Data\INI\object\evilfactionunits.ini', line 21485
error parsing field 'MoveForNoOne' in block 'Object' in file 'Data\INI\object\evilfactionunits.ini', line 21485
Error parsing INI block ' MoveForNoOne' in file 'Data\INI\object\evilfaction\evilfactionunits.ini'.
5 addresses:
(unknown)(0): game.dat+8961088 Debug::PostStaticInit+3296
(unknown)(0): game.dat+502829 StringBase<char>::startsWith+193933
(unknown)(0): game.dat+521227 StringBase<char>::startsWith+212331
(unknown)(0): game.dat+10449993 Xfer::operator==+133593
(unknown)(0): kernel32.dll+94167 Register WaitForInputIdle+73

Because of the serverity of this error the game will exit

Anyone know why it did that i haven't even editted that file.