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Arvis Taljik

Member Since 27 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2010 02:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Recruitment

16 April 2008 - 04:37 AM

Wow, so my computer just $hit the bed due to my efforts to remove some malware/spyware from it. I removed an infected dll from the system registry, deleted the dll, and then all the sudden my computer decides it doesn't want to work.

However, the Nelson-class I was re-modelling for you guys is saved to my external hard-drive (which is 100% clean as of today). I just need to get the base OS reinstalled along with all my programs, additional video/audio drivers, and all my Photoshop plugins. So sadly my comp is now OOC for probably a week (depends on how much free time I have).

Once it's back up and running I'll see if I can get some renders of the Nelson posted here for team review so I can make changes before packing it up for texturing.

In Topic: Recruitment

28 March 2008 - 08:12 PM

Any of you use MSN or IRC for coordination of modding efforts?

If so my MSN is arvis1804@hotmail.com

Figured I'd put that out there in case I needed to be contacted for anything.

In Topic: Recruitment

28 March 2008 - 02:48 AM

Then I'll try a remodel of the Nelson along with some buildings then.

All sounds good to me. :)

In Topic: Recruitment

27 March 2008 - 09:27 PM

Sorry for the double-post but I can also do building and non-humanoid ground units.

In Topic: Recruitment

27 March 2008 - 06:44 PM

While I'm told that I'm rather sexy I'll just leave that job with Stargazer LOL.

Mostly, I'm a ship modeller. While I could branch out into Mobile Suits and Armors, I'm most in my element doing relatively mid-detail (between 10k and 20k polys) models of ships, stations, and the such. I'm also a fair texture artist so long as I'm given a basis to work from. Programs used include Milkshape3D (only for conversions of base models/materials and such), Wings 3D (this is what I do ALL my modelling and texturing in), and Photoshop CS2 9.0 (what I make textures in).

I'm currently "unemployed" on the modding front and looking for a steady team to work with. I've run a mod for Freelancer all by my lonesome, helped with some other Freelancer mods and helped with development on a couple mods for Homeworld 2. I've managed to familiarize myself with the basic ins and outs of EaW's xml system and so forth but I'm by no means an expert, and am at best capable of making very educated guesses as to what the more abstract command lines do.

So feel free to task away. :)
Happy to help the best way I can with my skills available.