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Member Since 30 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2008 01:05 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: God-How can one exist?

17 April 2008 - 04:25 PM

Interesting point of thought: Considering that a day is an earth-bound measure, how could you describe earth's creation in days if the concept of a 'day' did not yet exist?

Cause it's a story, meant to explain. You see, anybody with any real knowledge about the bible (AKA PHDs) hardly ever subscribe to any fundamentalist interpretation of any story. There are many stories which can be refuted by simple knowledge that they had BACK THEN, but the marvelous theing about this is, it doesn't mean that they aren't truth.

In Topic: God-How can one exist?

16 April 2008 - 08:11 PM

Interesting question, considering some people ask How can he/she/it not?

In Topic: Xwings are not canonical

15 April 2008 - 11:10 PM

It also would have to have like a lock on time, to make it impossible to use in dogfighting.

In Topic: Xwings are not canonical

15 April 2008 - 03:19 PM

Maybe make it into an expensive upgrade. And make a little soemthing for the imps to compensate.

In Topic: Possible to recreate the Battle of Endor?

15 April 2008 - 03:13 PM

They couldn't even win this battle with Death Star & Executor destroyed. All the numbers are fabricated by rebel scum's propaganda. History is written by the victors...

Yes they could. The death of Palpatine cut off his Battle Meditation, thus reducing the effectiveness and morale of his troops. The destruction of the Death Star and the Executor caused huge confusion and panic in the Imperial forces, completely disrupted the chain of command, and resulted in a large portion of the fleet retreating (at Pellaeon's order).

Wait, battle meditation?! I thought you couldn't move while doing that, ya know, cause your meditating... the uh, wookiepedia entry says it was actually a Grand Admiral that was force sensitive.