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Member Since 11 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2017 09:56 AM

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In Topic: Windows 10 - Please insert DVD error - BFME2

20 April 2017 - 07:41 PM

Alcohol 52% doesn't seem to work in Windows 10! What did you use instead please?

In Topic: Windows 10 - Please insert DVD error - BFME2

20 April 2017 - 10:09 AM

I wasn't trying to mount the mini image with Windows 10, I used WinCDEmu for mounting the mini image. Did you get BFME 2 to work on Windows 10?

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

19 April 2017 - 08:10 PM

I'm having the same insert DVD error on my Windows 10 PC! Is there a fix or work around for this? I'm ready to pay for a working fix!

I used to play BFME 2 on my Windows 7 PC and wanted to get back into it after the HD mod and the 1.09 patch. However, I now have a Windows 10 PC.

I followed the guide at this forum completely except where I couldn't install the old version of Daemon Tools Lite (didn't work on Windows 10) and tried WunCDEmu and the latest version of Daemon Tools Lite - both times by completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

The game works on Windows 10 with a NOCD crack, however, I can't play online with that. When I try to use the original image or the mini image with WinCDEmu or the built in Windows 10 ISO mounter (with the full ISO), I get an error saying please insert the correct DVD.

I tried the launch fixer as well as the All In One Patch till 1.09. On a side note, I also have ROTWK in my Origin library and if I install that, it works (version 2.00), but, if I install the 2.01 patch from GameReplays, I get the same error again.

Thanks a lot!