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Member Since 11 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 01 2013 06:40 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Need help in getting new skirmish AI into C&C3

14 February 2013 - 04:42 AM

Sorry its been a LONG time since I've come here.  Yes, I have managed it.  I even put the source code out there on my MOD DB page for anyone else to mess with and try.




The trick is you have to edit the maps AND the ai code to get it to work.  Once the maps have had your AI code added in (it's been 2 years since I did it to my sample maps but it was really quite easy from what I remember when I did it) its pretty straight forward.  Let me know if you need anything.

In Topic: Unit names, descriptions & one special Slingshot-issue

21 September 2012 - 09:48 PM

Sorry if this is a late reply, it's been awhile since I've been on here.

to modify a units description you have to edit the .str file of the mod. You can find a complete "vanilla" version of the CNC3 1.09 STR file online. This file has to be in the root directory of your mod but thats it, you don't have to actually link to it in your mod.xml file. It just automatically gets compiled in and used in the game.

As for the slingshot attacking ground units it's also pretty easy to do. you have to edit the weapon.xml file (I would suggest starting a new weapon.xml file for all new / edited weapons to make things easier on you and then link to that new file in your mod.xml file, like updatedweapons.xml) and make sure that it can effect ground units there. The section has to do with the anti-mask I believe, there are 4 common anti-masks that are used. Anti_Ground, Anti_Structure, Anti_AirbornInfantry, and Anti_AirbornVehicle is what I think they are. You need to make sure the weapon and the weapon warhead have the proper anti-mask in it to work properly.

Good luck bud.