Draw = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_01 OkToChangeModelColor = Yes ExtraPublicBone = GUNSIDE02 DefaultModelConditionState Model = RU_GUNSHIP Turret = GUNSIDE02 WeaponLaunchBone = SECONDARY GUNSIDE02 HideSubObjects = GUNSIDE01 ;;; Use these to set up secondary and tertiary turrets;;; ; SecondaryTurret = Turret02 ; TertiaryTurret = Turret03 ;;; --------------------------------------------------;;; End End Draw = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_02 OkToChangeModelColor = Yes ExtraPublicBone = GUNSIDE01 ExtraPublicBone = CLONE_01 ExtraPublicBone = CLONE_02 ExtraPublicBone = CLONE_03 ExtraPublicBone = CLONE_04 DefaultModelConditionState Model = RU_GUNSHIP ; Skeleton = RU_GUNSHIP_SKL Turret = GUNSIDE01 WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY GUNSIDE01 ;; Use these to set up secondary and tertiary turrets;;; ; SecondaryTurret = Turret02 ; TertiaryTurret = Turret03 ;;; --------------------------------------------------;;; End End
- Revora Forums
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Annullus The Grey
Member Since 02 May 2008Offline Last Active Sep 23 2011 08:41 AM
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- Active Posts 269
- Profile Views 3,337
- Member Title Historian... Master of Ages
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday March 29, 1990
Twilight of the Republic
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Topics I've Started
hiding a bone
16 June 2010 - 09:43 PM
is there anyway i can hide a bone on a model when declaring its draw. due to limitations i have been forced to double draw a model so as to allow me to put multiple turrets onto the unit. is it possible therefore to hide an objectbone so as to prevent the glaring issues this creates.
Coding Work resumed
16 June 2010 - 08:11 PM
An announcement to all, as i now have one month in which i am free and able to do what ever the hell i please i wish to announce that as of this day i am resuming work on all coding for the twilight of the republic mod. I know i vanished for a while and for that i do apologise but i am back and once i establish just what needs to be done, and what can indeed be done i will begin coding once more in earnest. iirc there is a small amount that can be done which could theoretically allow for the release of a alpha version of this mod...
ps... ed when you read this drop me a line.
ps... ed when you read this drop me a line.
18 September 2009 - 11:56 AM
what kindof is used by the fortress to prevent the end of game so long as it survives ?
03 September 2009 - 09:37 PM
i have been trying to make a flood ability which does not have horses. My chief desire being massive torrents of water rushing forewards. so far i have had some success in removing the horses themselves, but i cannot seem to make the burst of water a concentrated large torrent of water, any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
this is the flood object
this is the flood object
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object ElrondVilyaFlood Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01 DefaultModelConditionState Model = None End End EditorSorting = SYSTEM KindOf = NO_COLLIDE IMMOBILE UNATTACKABLE INERT ForceLuaRegistration = Yes; I have no AI, but I want to send a fear message so please register me. ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** Body = ImmortalBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 1 InitialHealth = 1 End Behavior = DeletionUpdate ModuleTag_03; Not LifetimeUpdate, since I can't die. This will DestroyObject me. MinLifetime = 20000 MaxLifetime = 20000 End Behavior = FloodUpdate ModuleTag_FloodCentral AngleOfFlow = 0; In degrees, with 0 as screen right DirectionIsRelative = Yes; If it is relative, it adds the facing of the flood object. FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:250 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:250 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:200 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:200 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:150 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:150 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:100 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:100 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:50 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:50 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:-50 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:-50 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:-100 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:-100 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:-150 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:-150 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:-60 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:-200 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:-200 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:0 MemberSpeed = 20 End FloodMember MemberTemplateName = ElrondFlood ControlPointOffsetOne = X:-200 Y:0 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetTwo = X:-100 Y:-250 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetThree = X:100 Y:-250 Z:0 ControlPointOffsetFour = X:200 Y:0 Z:-60 MemberSpeed = 20 End End Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 10.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 1.0 GeometryHeight = 3.0 GeometryIsSmall = No Shadow = NONE End
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