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Member Since 19 May 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2009 10:46 PM

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In Topic: Divide and Conquer Part II

24 January 2009 - 03:49 AM

I just want to say well done with the revised campaign packs. The standard edition GFFA is now playable at twice the frame rate. Great job guys ;)

In Topic: Unofficial v1.1.1 Bug Tracking Thread

23 January 2009 - 02:03 AM

I don't see why he would continue to be invincible...Everything in his file relating to that ability suggests 15 seconds.

The proton beam was removed from the Imperial-class line, so right now the ability is referencing an ability that no longer exists. I assume that PR just missed removing the ability coding from the Admonitor.

That's why its a bug :shiftee: I actually took several screenshots of all my TIEs in combat with the one X-Wing though I'm not sure where to post them.

Perhaps it's something to do with him having Millennium Falcon Lua scripting. Though that's related to the auto-fire of the ability rather than anything else.

Is it when he's the squadron leader, or is it when he's alone? That might help narrow it down.

Mine occurred when he was alone

In Topic: Unofficial v1.1.1 Bug Tracking Thread

23 January 2009 - 12:17 AM

I don't see why he would continue to be invincible...Everything in his file relating to that ability suggests 15 seconds.

The proton beam was removed from the Imperial-class line, so right now the ability is referencing an ability that no longer exists. I assume that PR just missed removing the ability coding from the Admonitor.

That's why its a bug :shiftee: I actually took several screenshots of all my TIEs in combat with the one X-Wing though I'm not sure where to post them.

In Topic: Mesa Thinks

22 January 2009 - 12:57 AM

Sorry to bump this up, but I figured out that the lag has to do with something with land, not the unit amount, though I don't know how to mod, I have found that it takes considerably long for the battle tab that says choose auto resolve or begin to happen after placing a unit on the ground. I don't know if this is just me or if it is others as well....but space doesn't happen like this but land does :p

I have noticed that as well.

In Topic: Unofficial v1.1.1 Bug Tracking Thread

22 January 2009 - 12:28 AM

Found two more bugs:
Wedge Antilles: Apparently his invulnerability special was activated and never shut off. He's been in battle against Fel and the 501st, Maarek Stele with his MIS squad, and at least 5 squadrons of TIE Defender x9 for about 20 minutes now with no loss in HP.

Thrawn w/ Admonitor: The proton beam fails to fire no matter the distance between his ship and the other, in fact when I try to manually fire enemy ships aren't even targetable with it.