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Holy Light

Member Since 29 May 2008
Offline Last Active May 30 2008 09:34 PM

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In Topic: Top Ten Tips for Skinner Begginners

30 May 2008 - 08:28 PM

you idiot, why did you revive a 2 and a half year old topic.

You idiot, it's a PINNED THREAD. By definition it CANNOT be revived because it is ALWAYS up there.

And I would seriously recommend against drawing bigger than things should be. You will run into the mixed pixel problem and end up with a badly contrasting skin - anything more than 2x the resolution will be practically invisible.

mixed pixel problem? No nevermind that, I am going to learn how to make a new unit from scratch to finish and then I am going to write a complete guide to it becuase one is needed!

In Topic: Top Ten Tips for Skinner Begginners

30 May 2008 - 05:09 PM

Don't forget adobe photoshop has a excellent resizing algorithm, meaning you can start out very big do all the details you want and then shrink it to the right size. chances are that photoshop will get those pixels in just the right place alot better than you can. (if that was obvious please forgive me)

Now that was photoshop, I am just starting modding bfme2, not sure this is the right place for this but could some one explain how to skin :p

1.) You bind meshes with bones using WWskin in space warps right?

2.) Do you specify the texture in renx? if so why doesn't it like dds files which all the other units have. (really confused here)

3.) When creating new models is the correct way to export a skl and skn, put them into a art/W3d/"modelname" folders and amend the asset dat with it, and then add the same models too the W3d.big file? If so when exporting the skn do you select a "Hierarchical Model" or a "Simple Mesh".