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Member Since 02 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2009 04:28 AM

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In Topic: Narnia in BFME

06 June 2008 - 08:36 AM

If this mod goes BFME II, you MUST make Aslan the Ring-Hero for Narnia. The White Witch as the Ring-Hero for Evil, and Caspian IX for the Telmarines.

Also, you should have Aslan's How as the Narnian Fortress with Dwarven Archer sentries (the Dwarves are mainly archers).

First of all, while we appreciate suggestions, we would perfer it if you would suggest what we COULD or MIGHT do, not what we SHOULD or MUST do. No offense if that was in any way offensive, but unless you wanted to join the crew, I don't like it when people use a demanding tone like that.

Sorry, I never intended to throw out anything sounding like demands; perhaps you're too quickly offended. I am merely a huge fan, and I was just spewing enthusiastic possibilities. When I said "must", that was more along the lines of "oh my god, you 'have' to do this because it would be SO cool!"

Anyway, is there any actual modeling or mapping progress being done on this mod so far? I tried to glean what I could from this topic, but I didn't get much about progress (I know very little could have been made by now, but still).

Cheers, and good luck to you on your mod. Let's just say that if you make this awesome, I'll be reinstalling BFME I in a heartbeat.

In Topic: Narnia in BFME

05 June 2008 - 01:20 AM

If this mod goes BFME II, you MUST make Aslan the Ring-Hero for Narnia. The White Witch as the Ring-Hero for Evil, and Caspian IX for the Telmarines.

Also, you should have Aslan's How as the Narnian Fortress with Dwarven Archer sentries (the Dwarves are mainly archers).