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Member Since 12 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active May 11 2009 11:35 PM

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Need some kismet help

17 February 2009 - 12:28 AM

Hey guys, I need some kisment help. I am making this script that adds points after you "collect" something from a given reason. It is basically saying.

If Player A walks into "Collect A" and then walks into "Zone Collect" within 30 Seconds, add +1 point to THAT player.

The issue is that I can't seem to specify if the player who walked through "Collect A" and "Zone Collect" are the same player. Meaning, I could walk into "Collect A" and then a bot could walk into "Zone Collect" and get the point.

I'm using a variable "PointA_Check" that equals 1 or 0 to toggle on/off the collect volume.

Thanks in advance.

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