Member Since 29 Dec 2015Offline Last Active Mar 24 2017 10:34 AM
About Me
I'm FG15 from Edain and I have tried nearly all kinds of BfME modding so far. Nonetheless I'm mainly a coder, mapper and scripter.
In the past I was part of the DVZ Mod on Modding Union, currently I'm part of the Edain Team and the main coder as well as a mapper for mission maps.
I was the main Coder of DVZ in the past and recently became the main Coder of Edain. Nonetheless I have always been doing much coding in particular for map.inis but also creating new special systems and abilties.
Ring Hero System: I developped Edains new Ring Hero system, that the Ring Hero can pick the Ring up himself and directly becomes his ring form. In particular I made this system work for the AI.
Shield abilities: I created an ability that shields a hero and therefore absorbs damage until the shield is depleted.
Horde Mount: A whole horde can mount on their horses and dismount without bugs like loosing experience or being fully regenerated.
Projectile Dependend Abilities: The attack leaves the projectile on the battlefield and can't be used until the projectile is captured again. (For example Bard's Black Arrow)
Gondor Barrage: The spell goes in the direction of the nearest enemy building.
The most complex map I have made so far was the Path of the Edain, which has a playable area of 2 times the largest normally creatable map, while only being 400x400. The map works with 6 different unique levels, which can be accessed by stairs leading from level to level. Furthermore the minimap is completly changed depending on the current level.
My most beautiful map is probably Aldburg, which was one of the first real maps I ever created and reworked later to its current design.
Another map, Dor-en-Ernil:
A forge model I created. The smith is from the original game, and the skin has elements from other models.
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Edain Mod
Blue Text
Coding, Mapping, Scripting
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