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Member Since 29 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2017 10:34 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Epic Mod

15 March 2017 - 09:50 AM

Oh that is a big coincidence, I checked their page one hour before that post. I just hope that really ends that problem.

In Topic: Epic Mod

14 March 2017 - 04:21 PM

I know this topic is a bit old, but for us the problem with the Epic Mod is still there. We never allowed them to use any of our content, and clearly told them to stop it. The problem is, they are publishing the mod only at places where we can't reach them. The mod seems to be based on 3.81, but uses many assets from 4.0. 




Seems odd that he'd rip stuff considering what he can do. That Dol Guldur model looks rather unique. Has anyone seen that before?

It is just a ripoff of the Dol Guldur in Edain 4.0, which I created. Multiple copies of the original model were put together, which are weird scaled.


Just in case anyone wonders about something being allowed as a submod of Edain. All submods of Edain are required to be mainly presented in our SubMod board: https://modding-unio...ic,13951.0.html

Anything not being there or not having its main representation there, isn't likely to be an allowed submod at all.

In Topic: Showcase & Sneak Peeks

06 March 2017 - 10:38 AM

Both versions of the Rivendell warriors look really good. But it is hard for me too imagine them going to battle in such light arms.

I now that Lorien warriors have a similar light armor, but they are a different kind of unit. Aimed at speed and ambushes and not on normal fights. And that isn't something that Rivendell would do.

So that light armor looks more like no armor to me.

In Topic: Gondor Faction Plan

02 March 2017 - 04:47 PM

Isengards Palantir would be my prefered implementation, too.

Concerning the anti leadership ability, I think it would be better to make it a radial one, instead of one with a target cursor, because hardly any player would target allied units, if he can place the target area so, that only enemies are affected. Therefore players could avoid the negative effect in most cases, what would be a shame in my opinion.


Furthermore, I'd like to see a change to the upgrade ability. We had similar abilities included in the past, but removed them because they were really problematic. Players just tend to clump as many units together as possible, to get the maximized bonus. And reducing the radius doesn't work, because there can still be many units in a small radius. Even when we had a hero, who could only give peasants upgrades, one of the weakest units, there were player who started directly buying him, because this ability was so strong. 

If the ability stays this way, I'm afraid that it will be far too strong. What I want to suggest therefore is changing the ability to a passive one. Favor of the Stuart reduces the upgrade for forged blades and heavy armor for own units on the map by X% (something between 25 and 50). This has two advanteges. The player still has to buy the upgrades, and he has to research them first. And it will give Gondor a unique play pattern, waiting for Denethor to arrive and then upgrading the units. The differences between a permanent passive effect is, that Denethor won't be permanently available and therefore it might not be worth waiting for him.

In Topic: Gondor Faction Plan

01 March 2017 - 11:59 AM

Could you expand the hero powers on the first post a bit?

At the moment there is only the name of the ability in most cases. It might be obvious for most abilities, where only the name has changed, but there are same abilities, where I have no idea what it could be (or too many ideas).

Also Forlong isn't listed there yet.

And out of interest, is Denethors Palantir vision similar to Isengards palantir, or the old Ivory Tower?