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Member Since 26 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2009 09:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: shorter build time

21 January 2009 - 06:51 AM

Have you tried the things on this article?

In Topic: The trailer is out

24 December 2008 - 01:14 PM

That was superb! Great job

In Topic: SEE Unit Roster

18 November 2008 - 08:24 PM

Weren't they the elite group that Beregond and Pippin were in? Answerable to the steward only and defended the top level of Minas Tirith.

Typing into google, I found a page with this quote:

"....The Citadel Guards carried the weapons of the regular soldier - sword and spear - but like the Fountain Guard they had no shield....The Citadel Guards wore the same outfit as ordinary Gondorian soldiers, but this was enhanced with a gold-edged black tunic worn under the cuirass and a black cloak with gold embroidery; these would have indicated to all their elevated position within the military structure, as would their helmet, which featured a bronze star device on their noseguard and the brass wings that had been riveted on their sides...."

(Page 160-161, LOTR: Weapons and Warfare)

If they are close to what is described here, then they'd probably be pretty good swordsmen (unless someone coded in a toggle between spear and sword, but I don't understand why they'd do that anyway) but I'd have thought that they'd fit in the "elite" section.

In Topic: So is this mod still alive?

29 October 2008 - 02:28 PM

Got in just before me. If you want a little more information, then look at the S.E.E. Beta 4.7 - delay? thread. I think that (thanks to a couple of people), some of the big problems have been fixed - namely that they can run it as a .BIG file and have managed to get the Evil men fortress into the game.

In Topic: S.E.E. Forum Member introduction

27 October 2008 - 09:34 AM

The map itself (The Battle of Five Armies) is now available for download on T3A! I'll include a download full of screenshots as well as soon as I can, for the cautious check-before-you-download downloader :cool2:

Curses - was starting to play it but my PC cannot take the amount of units (was at about 4 frames a second on very low graphic settings :crazed: ). Still, looking at the graphs at the end game screen, just shows what I am missing - that is a huge force of goblins!

One thing though - is the bridge thing at the top-centre of the map there so that units (in your readme, Bilbo) can cross the river? Because something around there prevents units from either getting to it.

Oh, and MS - sorry if I am one of the Noobish people you refered to.