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Member Since 29 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 04 2008 03:27 AM

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In Topic: "Galaxy far, far away" LITE (alpha)

19 October 2008 - 12:59 AM

Sorry I'm reposting this question, but I was reading through these boards and I realized I dont know what a command line is, or where it's located.


Sorry to ask another question...
How do I use the Galaxy map editor every time I click run an error saying "Usage: eawgalmaped.exe<planets.xml><campaings.xml>" pops up?

Never mind

I'm not interested in making GC scenarios anymore

Sorry, and thanks

Edit: Merged posts. Please avoid double posting in the future unless absolutely necessary.

In Topic: Another question

19 October 2008 - 12:43 AM


How would I make my own galactic conquest scenarios.
I'd also like to add the heros, Zsinj, Daala, and Ysanna Isard.

Never mind I decided I didn't want to add anything to the game.

Edit: Merged posts.

In Topic: Another question

18 October 2008 - 02:33 PM


Do you know were the comand line were I enter eawgalmaped.exe planets.xml campaings.xml, and campaign_name is?

Sorry I have so many questions, I'm not good with computers, yet

In Topic: Another question

15 October 2008 - 09:26 PM


Sorry to ask another question...

Is there a program like the map editor that lets you make your own GC maps without going through the XML files?

Edit: Merged posts.

In Topic: "Galaxy far, far away" LITE (alpha)

14 October 2008 - 02:30 AM

Anyone any idea when the new PR version comes out ?


I don't think there is a relese date for the next version, my guess would be around 6 months to a year would be for V. 1.1
but V. 2.0 hasn't really been talked about.