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veritas vos liberabit

Member Since 06 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2008 10:29 AM

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In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

10 October 2008 - 09:01 AM

Yes. It's all in the news section. It has been there for a while

oh sorry, thats the reason why i didn't know, it hasn't been updated in while and haven't read it :p

also Rosco, are you thinking of enabling the generals challenge, once GLA is implimented, i dont mean make new maps but just allow the original/improved generals back as it was in normal zh, but with their new units?

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

09 October 2008 - 02:34 PM

here's an idea for a chinese defence, its a guad gattling cannon (not gla, but like the normal chinese defence but doubled up)
this is a defence that was in contra 006 btw, but only for the boss general. you could ask them for it, if you think it could fit in with a chinese general.
it just looked cool, but it is only a suggestion.

+a fifth US faction, spec ops?
does that possilbly mean there will be a fifth for China and GLA?

In Topic: Mod takeover

06 October 2008 - 04:00 PM

just because the mod has been taken over i had to join up.
i was thinking of joining before but it was announced dead, BUT not anymore!! :xd:

btw im Lt.L, sorry for the double post but i can't edit my guest message. see above post for more appraisal :p