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Member Since 20 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2015 04:53 AM

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In Topic: Regarding installation of V 1.2

30 May 2014 - 11:19 AM

alrigtie then ill do ssome more research you've been a great help bob ty

In Topic: Regarding installation of V 1.2

30 May 2014 - 01:16 AM

Well this was a first for steam using launch options. I found that and entered the proper text that that the installer tells me. letter for letter but no dice. so I just wanna be sure ive got the right install dir for the mod, I have it in "...."/SWEAW/mods/Pr.


Threw in this attachment, hope it helps, getting late for tonight guess im gonna work on this tomorrow night.

In Topic: Regarding installation of V 1.2

30 May 2014 - 12:55 AM

its ok bob was a different v 1.2 file, the exe was on filefront. Glad to see the team active with the player base. now im confused on properly installing this with a copy through steam, it would appear the team has gone out of the way to setup the install for steam but im not sure if im doing everything properly. I want to be sure the install path is correct, it by default when I select the steam install, wants to install to the vanilla EAW dir, then im not sure where to insert the mod path info.

In Topic: Regarding installation of V 1.2

29 May 2014 - 08:15 PM

it is an exe my friend but it doesn't like open like my other exes do. Like I said I realized that it was an exe a few minutes ago. Im using windows 8, guessing this is kinda whats throwing a wrench into the process. I was trying to locate windows installer or install shield I think its called. Not sure where that's located in the OS. trying a new download location from filefront in the meen time