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Member Since 08 Nov 2008Offline Last Active Apr 25 2010 06:39 AM
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In Topic: There Isn't Enough Life On This Ice Cube To Fill A Space Cruiser
17 March 2010 - 08:55 PM
In Topic: What happened out there, Ensign!?
07 February 2010 - 07:48 AM
In Topic: Strange bug
23 January 2010 - 08:12 AM
In Topic: Strange bug
22 January 2010 - 02:26 AM
I too have been trying the old Navy Lines. At least now I have company in geekdom.I play with Star Destroyers and other ships with lots of carried craft alot and what I tend to do (though it takes a really long time) is wait at the edge of the map and add each new unit to the desired control group manually as they launch. It takes a long time to "deploy the fleet" but I find that it's worth it b/c I'm not struggling to get the right units in the heat of battle.
I used to make one big fighter group, one big bomber group, and a few capital ship groups. Lately I've been experimenting with mixed fighter and capship groups more and more. Started grouping most or all of a ship's carried craft with the ship itself and selecting individual ships in the tactical bar at the bottom of the map as needed.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but I've been trying out West End Games' old Imperial Sourcebook Navy Line organization a bit (i.e. attack, heavy attack, reconnaissance, pursuit, skirmish, troop and bombard lines). It's kinda cool in a very geeky way.
In Topic: Faster Loading?
16 January 2010 - 02:17 AM
Yup I have noticed it too. Times are vastly improved for me.The last few times I've loaded up PR, when it came time to exit out, I didn't quite feel like waiting the 10 years for the program to close itself down. So I've been using the Task Manager to end the swfoc.exe process. When it came time to load it back up again, I believe noticed a much quicker game loading time. I assume it's something to do with the major game files still being somewhat loaded into the temporary system files or whatever (Programs unload when closing down, and ending a process skips that, or so I've heard?)
Anyone else notice this?
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