Hi Everyone, does anyone know how to center the object to the cursor?
I tried playing with the object's geometry
anyone know how to fix it?
(in 3ds max the model is on the center of the scene)
amit5530 hasn't added any friends yet.
09 September 2020 - 05:30 PM
Hi Everyone, does anyone know how to center the object to the cursor?
I tried playing with the object's geometry
anyone know how to fix it?
(in 3ds max the model is on the center of the scene)
09 September 2020 - 12:51 PM
Hi, I have the following Object
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object EBCastleDoor SelectPortrait = BPRohanCastleGate ; *** ART Parameters *** Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw OkToChangeModelColor = Yes UseStandardModelNames = Yes DefaultModelConditionState Model = EBCastGate End ModelConditionState = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED Model = EBCastGate ParticleSysBone = DUSTBONE BuildingContructDust End AnimationState = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED StateName = STATE_None Animation = RBCASTDOOR_A AnimationName = RBCASTDOOR_A.RBCASTDOOR_A AnimationMode = MANUAL End Flags = START_FRAME_FIRST End ModelConditionState = RUBBLE DOOR_1_OPENING Model = None End AnimationState = RUBBLE DOOR_1_OPENING End AnimationState = DOOR_1_OPENING StateName = STATE_Open Animation = Open AnimationName = EBCastGate.EBCastGate AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 0 End Flags = START_FRAME_LAST BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Closed" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_Closed_To_Open") end EndScript End TransitionState = TRANS_Closed_To_Open Animation = Open AnimationName = EBCastGate.EBCastGate AnimationMode = ONCE End End AnimationState = DOOR_1_CLOSING StateName = STATE_Closed Animation = Close AnimationName = EBCastGate.EBCastGate AnimationMode = ONCE_BACKWARDS AnimationBlendTime = 0 End Flags = START_FRAME_FIRST BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Open" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_Open_To_Closed") end EndScript End TransitionState = TRANS_Open_To_Closed Animation = Open AnimationName = EBCastGate.EBCastGate AnimationMode = ONCE_BACKWARDS End Flags = START_FRAME_LAST End End ; *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceSelect = GateSelect SoundOnDamaged = BuildingLightDamageStone SoundOnReallyDamaged = BuildingHeavyDamageStone ; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:RohanCastleDoor Side = Elves EditorSorting = STRUCTURE ThreatLevel = 1.0 BuildTime = 180.0 ; in seconds BuildCost = 1000 VisionRange = 400.0 ; Shroud clearing distance ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = CastleGateArmor DamageFX = GateDamageFX End CommandSet = CastleGateCommandSet ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** KindOf = STRUCTURE IMMOBILE SELECTABLE BLOCKING_GATE MADE_OF_STONE RadarPriority = NOT_ON_RADAR KeepSelectableWhenDead = Yes Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 3000.0 End ; Note that structures with "RUBBLE" states should not use DestroyDie; such buildings are ; never truly destroyed, even when reduced to zero health. Also note that garrisonable ; buildings automatically stick around because GarrisonContain has it's own DieModule Behavior = KeepObjectDie ModuleTag_IWantRubble End ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800 AnimationSound = Sound: MinisTirithGateDie Animation:GBMgatedoorSKL.GBMgatedoorA3 Frames: 1 End Behavior = GettingBuiltBehavior ModuleTag_GettingBuilt SelfBuildingLoop = BuildingConstructionLoop ; Only played if we DON'T spawn a worker SelfRepairFromDamageLoop = NoSound ; This doesn't cause an animation, so don't bother playing a sound SelfRepairFromRubbleLoop = BuildingConstructionLoop SpawnTimer = -1.0 ; Negative means no 'autoheal' RebuildTimeSeconds = 120 ;30 End Behavior = TransitionDamageFX ModleTag_hideBustedDoors PristineShowSubObject RBCASTDRR RBCASTDRL PristineHideSubObject RBCASTDRR_D1 RBCASTDRR_D2 RBCASTDRL_D1 RBCASTDRL_D2 DamagedShowSubObject RBCASTDRR_D1 RBCASTDRL_D1 DamagedHideSubObject RBCASTDRR_D2 RBCASTDRL_D2 RBCASTDRR RBCASTDRL ReallyDamagedShowSubObject RBCASTDRR_D2 RBCASTDRL_D2 ReallyDamagedHideSubObject RBCASTDRR_D1 RBCASTDRL_D1 RBCASTDRR RBCASTDRL DamagedFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_BasicSevereScreenShake ReallyDamagedFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_BasicSevereScreenShake RubbleFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_HelmsDeepGateRubble End Behavior = GateOpenAndCloseBehavior ModuleTag_GATE ResetTimeInMilliseconds = 10500 ;important! this must be longer than the gates animation, ir it will twitch OpenByDefault = Yes PercentOpenForPathing = 50 SoundOpeningGateLoop = GateOpenStart SoundClosingGateLoop = GateCloseStart SoundFinishedOpeningGate = GateOpenEnd SoundFinishedClosingGate = GateCloseEnd TimeBeforePlayingOpenSound = 9500 TimeBeforePlayingClosedSound = 9500 End Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB CountsForEvaCastleBreached = Yes End Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 58.4 GeometryMinorRadius = 7.2 GeometryHeight = 61.0 GeometryOffset = X:0 Y:-27 Z:0 GeometryName = Closed GeometryIsSmall = No AdditionalGeometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 3.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 25.0 GeometryHeight = 61.0 GeometryOffset = X:56 Y:-42 Z:0 GeometryName = OpenLeft AdditionalGeometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 3.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 25.0 GeometryHeight = 61.0 GeometryOffset = X:-56 Y:-42 Z:0 GeometryName = OpenRight GeometryContactPoint = X:27 Y:-56 Z:0 Ram GeometryContactPoint = X:14 Y:-56 Z:60 GeometryContactPoint = X:0 Y:-56 Z:0 GeometryContactPoint = X:0 Y:-25 Z:60 GeometryContactPoint = X:3 Y: 0 Z:1 Ram GeometryContactPoint = X:0 Y: 25 Z:60 GeometryContactPoint = X:0 Y: 56 Z:0 GeometryContactPoint = X:14 Y: 56 Z:60 GeometryContactPoint = X:27 Y: 56 Z:0 Ram Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME End
For some reason if I add this to my base, as soon as the skirmish finish loading the game crash with EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION
anyone knows why?
04 September 2020 - 06:51 PM
I have added a new elven faction to my game, and I have noticed that the AI(no matter friend or enemy) builds on the plot as it was empty
Anyone know what could be the reason?
the AI act as no one build on that plot even though i built there
30 August 2020 - 12:44 PM
Hello everyone,
1) I am trying to add a faction icon on the statistics menu, i have managed to add the rank icons for the new faction, but the statistic icon doesn't show up.
from aptcomponents.ini:
MappedImage AptIconElves Texture = AptComponents_001.tga TextureWidth = 256 TextureHeight = 256 Coords = Left:77 Top:1 Right:113 Bottom:37 Status = NONE End
2) In the palantir each faction has it's own icon and also each faction has its own select all icon
I have searched through the forums and found it is done by editing the APT
which apt do i need to edit? the palantir.apt?
i am not familiar with xml, how can i add a new entry there for my new faction? (and how to reference the icon image and such)
thanks in advance
22 August 2020 - 07:54 PM
well i don't know what exactly was the solution for this problem, but i have fixed it somehow..
Hi everyone i have followed the tutorial from the site about adding new faction into the game.
I have created the following bases:
I have followed the tutorial step by step, but when the game start, i have no base when selecting the elves faction
I have tried replacing all camp_elvesNE to Camp_Rohan
and the castle_elvesNE into Caste_Rohan
yet still no base appear when i select the elves faction.
any ideas what am i missing?
when i play against the elves faction, the AI does have a base(although only the Keep and the camp floor)
there is a Screenshot attached at the end of the post that show the AI does have an elven base
from playertemplate.ini:
PlayerTemplate FactionElves Side = Elves PlayableSide = Yes Evil = No StartMoney = 0 MaxLevelMP = 33 ; 32 ; 1 extra for CB MaxLevelSP = 78 ;80 PreferredColor = R:0 G:173 B:138 IntrinsicSciences = SCIENCE_GOOD IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_ELVES ; SCIENCE_GONDOR SpellBook = GoodSpellBook SpellBookMp = ElvesSpellBook PurchaseScienceCommandSet = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP = ElvesSpellStoreCommandSet DisplayName = INI:FactionElves ;StartingBuilding = GondorStable ;StartingUnit0 = GondorFighter DefaultPlayerAIType = GondorSkirmishAI ; GondorSkirmishAI BeaconName = MultiplayerBeacon LightPointsUpSound = GondorLightPointsUp ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted InitialUpgrades = Upgrade_ElvesFaction ; Upgrade_GondorFaction ;Any upgrades this player template is born with. BuildableHeroesMP = RohanHaldir ; DaleBrand GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir GondorImrahil ;RohanPippin SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower End
; Elves FactionVictoryData Elves AllyDeathScaleFactor = 1.0 ; Value this faction places on the loss of its own units. EnemyKillScaleFactor = 1.1 ; Value this faction places on 'kills' of enemy units that it gets. VictoryThreshold = 200.0 ; Thereshold needed for a 'Victory' MajorUnitValue = 10.0 ; Value placed on special/major units (normal units are worth 1.0) MapToCellVictoryRatio = 0.8 ; Factor of VictoryThreshold that a cell needs for a Victory, practical range should be ; on the order of 0.2 and 1.0. Larger values make it more difficult to achieve 'Victory' End
Object CastleFlag . . . Behavior = CastleBehavior ModuleTag_castle SidesAllowed = Gondor FROM_PLAYER FROM_AI FROM_SCRIPT SidesAllowed = Rohan FROM_PLAYER FROM_AI FROM_SCRIPT SidesAllowed = Mordor FROM_PLAYER FROM_AI FROM_SCRIPT SidesAllowed = Isengard FROM_PLAYER FROM_AI FROM_SCRIPT SidesAllowed = Elves FROM_PLAYER FROM_AI FROM_SCRIPT UseSecondaryBuildList = Yes ; NOTE: Castles and lumber mills use Secondary Build lists. Only Camps use Primary Build lists. UseTheNewCastleSystemInsteadOfTheClunkyBuildList = Yes CastleToUnpackForFaction = Gondor Castle_Gondor GONDOR_FLAG_CASTLE_UNPACK_COST CastleToUnpackForFaction = Rohan Castle_Rohan ROHAN_FLAG_CASTLE_UNPACK_COST CastleToUnpackForFaction = Mordor Castle_Mordor MORDOR_FLAG_CASTLE_UNPACK_COST CastleToUnpackForFaction = Isengard Castle_Isengard ISENGARD_FLAG_CASTLE_UNPACK_COST CastleToUnpackForFaction = Elves Castle_Rohan ROHAN_FLAG_CASTLE_UNPACK_COST