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Member Since 17 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2008 07:32 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: GeForce Se 4800 Ti not working with RA3

19 November 2008 - 03:03 PM

So after 10 posts we have learnt the following.

a) Your computer sucks.
b) You should read the minimum requirements of a game on the back of the box before purchasing it.
c) You have no real idea of how our thread structure works.
d) You're a kid living with your parents.
e) You suck.

That is all

a) Yes I know :(

b) I did it... BUT < my friend played the game with a FX5200 (and I didn't know that FX5200 is different and can run), I went to the site "system requirement lab" and it said that my VideoCard can run.... Also, my friends told me that RA3 is "like" C&C3, and I can run C&C3...

c) I was reading the post in C&C3 thread about the system requirements and them I created a topic... In 2 minutes I saw the mistake I made :( sorry

d) I'm 15 years old, I live only with my mother, (my parents are divorced)... And I don't think that I can live by myself now.

e) :(

save your pennies and buy a new PC

I'm doing it lol :facepalm:

Well... thanks for the repplies :p

In Topic: GeForce Se 4800 Ti not working with RA3

19 November 2008 - 03:32 AM

Oh... :p

I know that my computer sucks... But I was hoping to run RA3 at Extra Supreme Bodacious Ultra Low :p

And actually I don't have money (my parents<) to buy a new computer [yes i need other things/upgrades besides the video card]

World is evil :facepalm:

In Topic: GeForce Se 4800 Ti not working with RA3

17 November 2008 - 10:57 PM

But in the site "can you run it ?" my computer could run the game...

And my friend with a FX 5200 is running the game...

(I run C&C3 at very low without any problems)

In Topic: GeForce Se 4800 Ti not working with RA3

17 November 2008 - 10:41 PM

"Please make sure that you have DirectX 9.0 or higher installed. Also verify that your video card meets the minimum requirements, and that you do not have hardware acceleration disabled in the Display control panel."

What I do ? :( halp

My system specs are:

GeForce Se 4800 Ti

I already unnistalled the drive card and reinstalled it with the lastest version... The same thing with DirectX 9.0c...

I also make all the tests with the DirectX 9.0c, and it said that is working correctly. I verified the hardware accelaration in Display Control Panel, and is everything right...

and beside the things, I not running RA3 :(

[x] I made this same topic in CNC3 forum, sorry... if some admin/moderator could delete that.... :p