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Member Since 03 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2011 09:05 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: RJ-RotWK 1.06 Feedback

15 March 2009 - 05:54 AM

I'm liking the alternative for picking up the ring and having some heroes use it. :) So far, I find it fun using the ring and having Gandalf and Aragorn's powers available and the eventual death of the wearer. :D

I agree, I'm pretty exceited about the new ring system. Looking forwards to it being further developed =D

In Topic: RJ-RotWK 1.06 Feedback

12 March 2009 - 12:16 AM

I realy like the blue wizards for MotE.

They are very fun to use, and I like how you made that effect when they are close together.

The illusions are fun to mess around with =D

In Topic: 1.06 BETA is released

11 March 2009 - 02:04 AM

I noticed there is a small preview of what is to come with the new ring system =D

I picked up the ring with gandalf, and the stance button changed to put on the ring... So I did!
Gandalf got all his powers unlocked and started dying not long afterwards.

Looking forwards to seeing the new ring system finished off, it has so much more potential than the old, take the ring back to fortress, buy galadriel/sauron.

Enjoying the new version of RJ very much.

In Topic: Question about Spell Damage

11 March 2009 - 01:57 AM

Yeah, I managed to find it now that I know which file to look in =D

Thanks for the help!

In Topic: Question about Spell Damage

10 March 2009 - 11:01 PM

Thanks for the help, that should be enough info for me to work it out =D

As for the arrow-whatever.. I ment the power you buy that shoots a volley of arrows onto the map, just can't remeber what it's exact name is.

Anyways, Thanks again! =D