Small update!
We got good news. The "Remove Redundant Voxel" code has been fixed; that means it now leaves 2-3 layers on angled surfaces so that way you don't get gaps and black holes ingame anymore.
Measuring tool has been added and is going to be tweaked later to work as a Forward, Lateral, Hight (FLH) finder in later revisions. Restored the classic pink normals palette for those who still paint normals by hand like me, Roaches, and Mig_Eater, since its easier on the eyes than the new greyscale normals palette. Note: this does not effect the 3D view as I wanted to be that way so that means the 3D view still display greyscale colored normals.
Added shortcut keys to the Darken/lighten values in the options menu.
Darken/Lighten values = Shortcut keys
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
Be sure to Grab it here from the SVN and replace your current executable with this one.
Cheers ~ Roaches
Member Since 03 Jan 2009Offline Last Active Feb 21 2009 01:12 AM