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Member Since 05 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2013 03:31 AM

Topics I've Started

YR Multiplayer issues

25 October 2010 - 10:49 PM

It's been ages since I played RA2 or YR on multiplayer(other than LAN). I tried testing one of my mods on YR multi last week and right after logging in but before the lobby came up, the game IE'd on me. Vanilla YR did the same, as did RA2. I did have an issue with the internet components being messed up but fixed that somehow already. Googling the problem has yet to produce anything useful. Does anyone here have any ideas?

C&C: Battlezone

05 July 2010 - 05:10 PM

Remember that old wireframe-graphics arcade game from the '80s called Battlezone? Ever wonder what it would be like if it were top-down and had more than one tank? Well here's my answer:

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There is no storyline; it's all Skirmish/Multiplay. This total conversion has quick and intense gameplay, with retro graphic style. No game exe patches required.


Posted Image Gun Tower ($500)
Anti-infantry base defense.

Posted Image Missile Turret ($800)
Anti-tank and anti-aircraft base defense.

Posted Image Mine ($100)
Stationary explosive that detonates on contact. Can be placed farther away from your base than the other defensive structures.

Posted Image Rifleman ($150)
Basic infantry.

Posted Image Missile Trooper ($300)
Anti-tank and anti-aircraft infantry.

Posted Image Engineer ($500)
Captures and repairs structures.

Posted Image APC ($600)
Can transport 5 troops, and is armed with a rapid-fire machine gun.

Posted Image Tank ($700)
Basic anti-armor unit. Decent against structures and defenses.

Posted Image Advanced Tank ($1000)
Heavy anti-armor unit. Very effective against base buildings.

Posted Image Missile ($500)
Hunts down targets on the ground at high speed. Also makes a good scout.

Posted Image UFO ($900)
Hovering, spinning laser-equipped anti-infantry and anti-air drone. Easily destroyed by Missile Troopers and tanks.

Posted Image Gunship ($1300)
Fires missiles at tanks and buildings, and mows down infantry with a minigun. Relatively weak armor makes it very susceptible to anti-aircraft fire.

Posted Image Fighter ($1000)
Fast aircraft whose main purpose is attacking ground units and light defenses.

Posted Image Bomber ($1400)
The Fighter's big brother; this aircraft can level heavier buildings without problem.

Skirmish Modes

Classic Mode: Only the Tank, Advanced Tank, UFO, Missile, and base structures can be built. No defensive structures.
Standard Mode: Defensive structures, aircraft, and infantry can be built.
Advanced Mode: Advanced weaponry such as Gunships and APCs can be built. Infantry can garrison neutral buildings scattered across specially-made maps.

As you can tell by the following screens, the GUI is still WIP at the moment. All the units are functional.

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Here is a short gameplay demo of Battlezone's Advanced Mode. The music playing in it is one of ten custom soundtracks.

Version 0.59 Beta is available! Download Here!

Unit Reconstructions

04 July 2010 - 03:28 PM

Firstly, YNT is not dead, only on life support. :D
Secondly, 'bout time I came here more often. I blame the government(actually that's partly true, just did a station transfer in the military).
Thirdly, time for me to shut up and post some pics. :p

Yuri's new Psi Ship - model and screenshot
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Allied F-16XL Plasma Fighter
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Allied X-32 Prism Bomber
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XF-21C Dark Knight (replaces XF-21 which I didn't design)
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As I redo more units that need it(i.e. the shitty ones I made forever ago and the public asset ones) I will post more pics here.