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Member Since 14 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2023 05:51 AM

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In Topic: Fortress Maps

23 September 2011 - 09:32 PM

Lol! I was so excited about seeing work happening that I forgot to ask what you ment by your reply to this post.
Should I take your reply as agreement with these ideas I had two years ago?

In Topic: Fortress Maps

23 September 2011 - 09:29 PM


Hey Naz! I got an email out of the blue the other day saying this thread had been replied to, and was VERY happy to discover new activity on the forum.
I'm really excited about your decision to revamp and continue SEE!
I'm pretty shot for time now (I've had two kids since this mod started), but I'll try to keep up on things.
I may even pitch in some if I do find some time as my coding skills have improved since last I posted.
Best of luck to you in the Director's Cut revamp!