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Member Since 25 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2009 09:13 PM

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In Topic: THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!

25 February 2009 - 05:14 PM

-Rhún II (BFME1)

When ever the Nazgúl are starting to run or stopping to run the sword floats behind their back before it goes into their hands.

-Rhún II (BFME1)
-None, it was buildings

I began building a Haradrim palace and a Múmakil pen at basically the same time. When the Haradrim palace was finished the Múmakil pen was also finished at the same time basically. This bugs me because I think that since not only is the Múmakil pen larger, but it also costs more, that it should take longer then the Haradrim palace to build.

-Minas Morgul
-Buildings again
This is the same as the last bug, but with the orc pit, elite orc pit, and troll cage. In my opinion buildings that spawn stronger units than the normal ones shouldn't have the same buildtime as the buildings that build the normal ones. But, that's just my opinion.