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Member Since 03 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 04 2009 12:05 PM

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How to change the starting money.?

25 March 2009 - 05:19 AM

Hi there,

Can you please advise how we can change the amount of cash when starting in a skirmish please?

I have try and edited the file in zero hours/data in my documents folder.
But even after editing that file ,when i start contra006 the amount is still the same @ $10k.

Any help is appreciated. :thumbsupsmiley:


24 March 2009 - 05:51 AM

hI Rosco9487

Just Wondering if there will the different generals will have Ai built into them for the next release?
Or will it just be still the robotic general that has Ai.? :p

Looking forward to you reply.

JT. :lol: